-> [80] Jan 19, 2024 12:37:51.310 AM org.forgerock.openidm.health.HealthService$4 run SEVERE: OpenIDM failure during startup, ACTIVE_NOT_READY: Not all modules started [] [org.apache.felix.scr, org.forgerock.openidm.repo-opendj] []

→ [80] Jan 19, 2024 12:37:51.310 AM org.forgerock.openidm.health.HealthService$4 run
SEVERE: OpenIDM failure during startup, ACTIVE_NOT_READY: Not all modules started [] [org.apache.felix.scr, org.forgerock.openidm.repo-opendj] []

Hello Experts, I am not able to install OpenIDM 7.4 in windows 2022. It gives above error message and stuck for hours. Any idea how to get past this , as this is occuring in RHEL 9 .

Hello @jacrhythm,

Welcome to our Community! Thanks for reaching out.

The ACTIVE_NOT_READY: Not all modules started [] ... exception you’re seeing is caused by a timeout waiting for services to start. The timeout can be increased by setting the following within the boot.properties file.

# System readiness health check timeout, in milliseconds, after framework started.

Further reference from the IDM documentation:

By default, the server is given 15 seconds to start up all the required bundles and services before system readiness is assessed. This is not the total start time, but the time required to complete the service startup after the framework has started. You can change this default by setting the value of the servicestartmax property (in milliseconds) in your resolver/boot.properties file.

You can try to set this to 30 to 45 seconds. If the error persists try increasing this parameter by 15 seconds and try again.

This example sets the startup time to 45 seconds.


I hope this helps!

Warm Regards,

1 Like

Hi @edward.johnson , I have the same issue, and I already updated the setting to 45000, but it does not work, Do you have any idea?

hi @edward.johnson
I am facing the same issue as well. Increasing the timing does not help.
It just hangs and after a few minutes crashes with no error.
do you have any other ideas?
I also checked the DS ldap.access.audit log and there are no entries from IDM during startup.

it looks like the org.forgerock.openidm.repo-opendj module is not trying to connect and i do not know where to check or force the connection.

any help would be very much appreciated.


I’ve been researching this issue further and I found a support ticket where this issue was resolved after increasing the servicestartmax timeout from 45 to 60 seconds. Can you try on your end?
openidm.healthservice.servicestartmax=60000 or 120000.

It is also possible that you might have an issue with the repo.ds.json file from your …/openidm/conf directory or this file may be in a corrupted state.
Please review and verify your repository configuration was performed per the IDM Install Guide: Select a repository :: IDM 7.4.1

Also as a reference, I’ve included this IDM Performance article located in the Community Site. (Please review Step 6:Repository)

If the issue continues after testing and reviewing as suggested above please let us know the following:

  1. Is your new IDM instance being installed as an upgrade? If so, what is the old version you are upgrading from?
  2. What type of repository is in use?

Warm Regards,

Hi Edward,

I’m also facing the same issue and this is new installation with opendj as external directory.

I replaced repo.json file multiple times but no luck.


Hi did somebody increase the osgi log level in the config.properties?

felix.log.level - specifies an integer String whose value indicates the degree of

logging reported by the framework; the default value is “1” and “0” turns off logging completely,

otherwise log levels match those specified in the OSGi Log Service

(i.e., 1 = error, 2 = warning, 3 = information, and 4 = debug).

We log osgi entries via a log listener, and hence default the internal logging service logging to off


Might you see more information

Greetings Julian