Creating reports from Identity Management logs

Hello all,

I’m trying to find a way to download all IDM logs and create reports from them (eg all logins 30, 60, 90, x days, failed logins, locked accounts, etc).

I’ve looked through the IDM docs and all I can find are basic curl commands and instructions to hit monitoring/logs endpoints.

Is there a way to download these logs? Or do I even need to download them to create reports? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Is Identity Reporting the solution to this? Identity Reporting :: ForgeRock Identity Reporting

Hi @ezekielthawngcung,

Relevant information to collect logs from Identity Cloud is effectively documented at Get audit and debug logs :: ForgeRock Identity Cloud Docs. . This endpoint is intended to be used to integrate with an SIEM (such as Splunk) - from there you can then produce the desirable report.


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Hi @patrick_diligent,

Thank you for your response. I have looked into that doc but I need to create a POC report generated using JS scripting for now. I am unsure if my team will be allowed to use Splunk for now.

Is there a way to make api calls to the logs via scripting in JS?

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Hi @ezekielthawngcung,

Look into frodo-lib as an example: frodo-lib/src/ops/cloud/LogOps.ts at f1668595c7440161bed631e4739a9b33fd2f4f97 · rockcarver/frodo-lib · GitHub

I recommend you use fetch rather than tail as with the latter, logs could be missed, or duplicates generated.


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