How to purge millions of records in Identity manager

Hi Team,

One of our client will be loading thousands of user profles on each performance test run and cumilatively those become like millions of records hampering the envirnoment performance over the time.

We have been asked to do cleanup, tried doing with REST way but it’s taking days and intermittenly failing. We also tried CSV file connector.

Anyone in the same situation or any other better ways to deal with this situation of user deletions/data purge?

If a directly accessed repository is not a possibility, I would use the reconciliation process for the job, with the appropriate “situation” set to “delete”. This way you are guaranteed “all” corresponding objects are cleaned up.
Having insight to the test data and failures would be helpful.

But I submit that the “performance test run” itself should be inclusive of an appropriate cleanup process.

Similarily, “like millions of records” implies a wrongful course of action for the tests. I am hopeful you have useful knowledge of the repository, configuration directory, etc and are aware there are at minimum a few parts being addressed… the user objects and the link objects. Possibly additional objects based on the testing methodology.


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