The scenario is if the user authenticates against external WS correctly through FR identity cloud for the first time, need to add those authentication attributes in FR database.
How can we configure this and which is the best practice to implement it?
Hi @Arunkumar01
Can you elaborate a bit more on the scenario? I am not sure I understand the flow of events nor the protocols you are using.
I want to save user name and password in ForgeRock database when user is authenticating for the first time against external webservice through ForgeRock. once these attributes saved in its database, user can authenticate to FR itself. So what is the best practice to Achieve this?
I don’t think I am understanding what you mean by “authenticating…against external webservice through ForgeRock”. Do you mean that a user provides their credentials to the “external webservice” and that authenticates them to ForgeRock? Or that the user authenticates to the “external webservice” by providing their credentials to ForgeRock?
Assuming you mean the initial case, it sounds like what you want is for ForgeRock to validate the credentials by calling the external webservice, and if the credentials are correct you want to store them in ForgeRock so that on subsequent authentications you can authenticate directly against the credentials in ForgeRock without having to call the webservice. Is that accurate?
@Arunkumar01 looks like you want to configure pass through authentication which is documented here: Pass-through authentication :: PingOne Advanced Identity Cloud Docs