Recording for "ForgeOps - How to spin up ForgeOps on AWS and GCP" developer session

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Chico Demetroff is a Senior Principal Sales Engineer at ForgeRock and is very passionate about ForgeOps and developer experience. He already demonstrated how to spin up a MiniKube on your device in the session 1 of the ForgeOps series. You can watch the previous ForgeOps session in the Community Discussions page.

In this ForgeOps session 2, Chico is going to demonstrate how to spin up ForgeOps in Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Once the environments are properly set up, you can now deploy the ForgeRock Identity Platform in your namespace on your Kubernetes cluster.

Can’t make it the event? Register anyway to receive an email with link to the recording. You also always check back to view the recorded posted in this thread.

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Recording of the developer session on " How to spin up ForgeOps on AWS and GCP".

In this session, Chico demonstrated live how to spin up ForgeOps on cloud platforms. He shared his best tips, practices, common mistakes made and how to prevent these mistakes. This session is filled with great questions and discussions. The lays a great foundation in ForgeOps for upcoming sessions in this series!

If you are going to watch the recording, please give us feedback to help us deliver better developer sessions.

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