Hi there,
am getting cors issue not sure where i can add this.Am uisng version 655. pls advice.
‘https://iam12.example.com:8443/am655/json/realms/root/realms/testAdv/authenticate?authIndexType=service&authIndexValue=testAdvAuthTree’ from origin ‘https://localhost:8443’ has been blocked by CORS policy
It’s worth noting that some browsers do not accept localhost
as a valid CORS origin. I know Chrome has had this issue for a number of years.
Try reviewing ForgeRock Access Management 6.5 > Installation Guide
It may be a good idea to upgrade to 7.x as it makes it so much simplier.
Or if you are using Kubernetes you can configure it in your ingress.
I fixed the cors issue. Now am getting the below error regarding certs. Am refering the following sample Step 3. Configure the embedded login sample app :: SDKs
POST https://iam1391.example.com:8444/am750/json/realms/root/realms/testAdv/authenticate?authIndexType=service&authIndexValue=testAdvAuthTree net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID
Note: I know its cert issue but how could i fix it, pls try the sample at your end using your local instance of forgerock openam 7.5.0(pingAM) am not using cloud i have installed forgerock on my laptop.
You could install a CA issued certificate, or turn off certificate validation (in Postman settings, or providing --insecure option with curl)?
Hi @ysharat,
I’m happy to hear the Cors issue is resolved.
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