AM Journey XML Parser


In a journey, i need to get / update the sunAMInvalidAttemptsData with login failures in non-descript outcomes. I can get the data / attribute from the identity repository no problem, but need to be able to parse / update login count / last attempt timestamp in the xml is what I am having an issue with. This is what i am getting back from the respository.

<InvalidPassword> <InvalidCount>2</InvalidCount> <LastInvalidAt>1724977154267</LastInvalidAt> <LockedoutAt>0</LockedoutAt> <ActualLockoutDuration>1800000</ActualLockoutDuration> <NoOfTimesLocked>0</NoOfTimesLocked> </InvalidPassword>

I need to be able to parse this / update the InvalidCount / LastInvalidAt so can hand this back to am for soft lockouts / issues. Does anyone have a parser in the journeys can can traverse this / update specific tags? Last option would be to do a regex and get / update a value but would like a parser if possible so can increment the count.


I find it interesting that you have a return of xml formatted data of an ascii formatted, ldap entry.
If I may ask, how was this response content sourced?

Hi @nick.hatsec
This node script converts XML to JSON. Proceed with caution when manipulating the sunAMInvalidAttemptsData values as this might cause issues with the default lockout handling.

@grpensa it’s an XML formatted attribute, as per sunAMAuthInvalidAttemptsData :: ForgeRock Directory Services.