AM upgrade from 6.5 to 7.5 using upgrade wizard

While upgrading 6.5 to 7.5 getting the following error

  1. SecretInitializationException: Unable to load all secret stores

The secure connection has already been established from AM to DS. Also not using embedded DS for CTS, config store.

Hello Neha,
Thank you for raising the thread.
If using the upgrade wizard, there are a few assumptions made.

  1. That the working files for AM (found via the ~/.openamcfg/DEPLOYMENTPATH file) are intact and other files like the keystores and truststores are accessible.
  2. If you had described a truststore in the ./bin/ script, that it is also available.
    This particular error has nothing to do with the CFG or CTS DS.

I am hopeful you are familiar with this: Upgrade :: AM 7.4.0
and this: Installation :: AM 7.4.0

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