We have a global organization and our colleagues want to join us on the ForgeRock journey and learn the tool. What languages are Backstage Resources available in? We are looking for Japanese specifically, but Spanish would be good as well. Thank you…
Hi, there! Thank you for the question and, unfortunately, resources are only published in English at this time. That being said, we’ve had success using Google translate for things such as documentation and other resources. Supporting these in other languages is on the backlog and I’ll be sure to share your request and feedback with the team. Thank you again for raising this - we really appreciate hearing directly from users.
Thank you @kelly.moosman for your quick response. We appreciate the insight. Once your team has translated those docs and videos, please reach out to us for UAT. We have a large international team base who are native to their countries, thus they would be good eyes. We may try Google Translate for a few core FR docs that the team may need. We’ll mark this topic resolved. Thanks again!