Build AM from source

Is there a way to get access to get private Forgerock repositories. If yes, can we build the AM from the source?

While you can access privately hosted artifacts, but you cannot build AM from source as it’s private.

Why do you want to rebuild?

On a side note, AM allows customers to extend certain functionality. E.g. SAML2 custom attribute mappers, etc. And those custom JARs can then be added to AM binary and repackaged and deploy.

Thanks for the response.

It’s just to get more understanding of how things work internally. Ex: I am trying to remove the subname claim in the ID token and cannot find references anywhere.

Could you point out to any documents for

custom JARs can then be added to AM binary and repackaged and deploy

I have left an answer for the subname claim in your original question. Since your use case is around OAuth2 federation protocol, you can check the following link on how to provide custom functionality via plugins.


This KB article may be helpful as it details the difference between AM binaries and source, how to access the repositories, and provides additional links to other relevant AM source articles: Understanding source code access for ForgeRock products.

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Thanks jsingh and salbertelli01, appreciate the same!

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