Create customer onboarding (KYC) using authentication modules

I have a backend SDK and WEB/Mobile front end application to get user onboard through mobile and web based. This story in independently work from a Identity Provider. I am going use my backend RestAPI and implement that KYC in Forgerock as custom authentication module.
I am looking for how i can implement the different UIs from the Forgerock itself and make it more flexible integration from the module tree.
I need some help to get clear the possibility of implement and integrate these UIs in FR. :slight_smile:

Hi HARSHA_1979,

Is it the ForgeRock SDK on the backend?

I wanted to reach out and confirm the SDK release and also the UIs you are working with are the Platform UIs deployed as described in Platform UIs :: ForgeRock Identity Platform?

I want to confirm so I can consult with our internal teams to see if they have any advice or if it would be best to raise a support ticket.
