Explore Siteminder related nodes in ForgeRock AM trees


I am trying to explore the Siteminder related nodes in my ForgeRock AM trees.

Ref: modernize-accelerators/forgerock-am-siteminder-migration-sso-jit at master · ForgeRock/modernize-accelerators · GitHub

Issue: Not able to package and get a war/jar using “modernize-accelerators//forgerock-am-siteminder-migration-sso-jit//openam-modernize-siteminder-auth-nodes//pom.xml”

Error: ‘Non-resolvable parent POM for org.forgerock.am:openam-modernize-siteminder-auth-nodes:7.0.1: org.forgerock.am:openam-auth-trees:pom:7.0.1 was not found in https:/repo.maven.apache,org//maven2’


  • ForgeRock AM 7.3 installed in my local machine.
  • JAVA Version - 11.0.19
  • Maven Version - 3.8.5
  • No siteminder setup


  1. As I do not have siteminder setup, I am not able to copy the jar files (viz. smagentapi.jar, smjavasdk2.jar, smcrypto.jar, bc-fips-1.0.1.jar) to /ext-lib/siteminder as mentioned in the ref doc.
  2. I am getting error 403 while accessing the Knowledge article - /knowledge/kb/article/a74096897.
  3. Also, I do not have access to the ForgeRock private-releases maven repository mentioned in the ref doc.
  4. The ref doc mentions, maven build should point to the settings.xml file downloaded with your backstage account. Where can I find this settings.xml file

Can anyone please help to achieve this use case.

Hi @stuti9930,

I noticed a recurring question about exploring SiteMinder-related nodes within ForgeRock AM trees. It appears that your inquiry has already been answered in a previous post by @patrick_diligent within the following discussion thread:


If you have any additional questions or need further clarification on the topic, please feel free to ask in this thread or provide more details about your query. We’ll be happy to assist you further.

Thank you!
