I am trying to explore the Siteminder related nodes in my ForgeRock AM trees.
Issue: Not able to package and get a war/jar using “modernize-accelerators//forgerock-am-siteminder-migration-sso-jit//openam-modernize-siteminder-auth-nodes//pom.xml”
Error: ‘Non-resolvable parent POM for org.forgerock.am:openam-modernize-siteminder-auth-nodes:7.0.1: org.forgerock.am:openam-auth-trees:pom:7.0.1 was not found in https:/repo.maven.apache,org//maven2’
- ForgeRock AM 7.3 installed in my local machine.
- JAVA Version - 11.0.19
- Maven Version - 3.8.5
- No siteminder setup
- As I do not have siteminder setup, I am not able to copy the jar files (viz. smagentapi.jar, smjavasdk2.jar, smcrypto.jar, bc-fips-1.0.1.jar) to /ext-lib/siteminder as mentioned in the ref doc.
- I am getting error 403 while accessing the Knowledge article - /knowledge/kb/article/a74096897.
- Also, I do not have access to the ForgeRock private-releases maven repository mentioned in the ref doc.
- The ref doc mentions, maven build should point to the settings.xml file downloaded with your backstage account. Where can I find this settings.xml file
Can anyone please help to achieve this use case.