Forgerock AM Remote Entity Provider Key Error on Import

I have a new AM setup which is going to be acting primarily as an SP for a number of IdPs (of various maturity levels). In testing using my local environment, I have self-signed certificates on all the IdPs and when trying to import the remote entity providers am getting an error stating the SAML2MetaException - is not trusted from the metadata for the entity provider. I found this article which basically says to remove the keys from the IdP metadata on import but this is going to be sustainable for the large scale imports / various partners. Any way to just disable this validation / trust the metadata so don’t have this issue?

remote.RemoteEntitiesCollectionProvider","message":"An error occurred while importing a remote entity provider","context":"default","exception":"com.sun.identity.saml2.meta.SAML2MetaException: Certificate found in Signature or KeyDescriptor under element \"EntityDescriptor\" is not trusted.\n\tat co

Other similar thread / issue: SAML 2 : ForgeRock as Service Provider, authenticating with external IDP - Integrations - ForgeRock Community