Forgerock IG standalone mode running is which container? Apache Felix or something else

Hi, we are planning to upgrade from ForgeRock IG from Tomcat web container to Standalone mode so we would like to more about standalone mode? Is that same like Forgerock IDM Apache Felix? Thanks!

No. The current invocation of the jvm is not dependent on Felix.
Please see What’s new :: PingGateway



As I understand, Standalone mode IG or PingGateway instance needs JVM17 or more. Do we have an documentation on standalone mode on any custom implementation framework? Thanks!

Standalone mode is using reactive I/O, not relying anymore on web containers or traditional thread oriented servers, but architectured around event loop threads. So one of the major difference is that all external I/O have to be handled asynchronously. Check the important note here: Scripts :: ForgeRock Identity Gateway and have a look to the streamingEnabled option at Required configuration :: ForgeRock Identity Gateway


The name you are looking for is: Vert.x

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Got you. Standalone mode is running on vert.x application framework. Thanks!

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As stated in the release Notes. Cheers!