How to access DS from AM 7.x using non SSL communication

Although this is not recommended except for evaluation and troubleshooting purpose, it is possible to setup a non SSL communication between DS and AM 7.x

Before installation, just setup this flag

/bin/dsconfig set-password-policy-prop
–policy-name Root\ Password\ Policy
–set require-secure-authentication:false
–port 4444
–bindDn uid=admin
–bindPassword Netscape123

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Hey Sam, thank you for sharing this useful troubleshooting tip with the community!

Although this is not recommended except for evaluation and troubleshooting purpose, it is possible to setup a non SSL communication between DS and AM 7.x

Before installation, just setup this flag

/bin/dsconfig set-password-policy-prop
–policy-name Root\ Password\ Policy
–set require-secure-authentication:false
–port 4444
–bindDn uid=admin
–bindPassword Netscape123

Although this is not recommended except for evaluation and troubleshooting purpose, it is possible to setup a non SSL communication between DS and AM 7.x

Before installation, just setup this flag

/bin/dsconfig set-password-policy-prop
–policy-name Root\ Password\ Policy
–set require-secure-authentication:false
–port 4444
–bindDn uid=admin
–bindPassword Netscape123