How to Configure an application using IG Reverese Proxy

HI ,

We have an legacy application, ,we would like to integrate the application using the IG reverse proxy method.

Can you please guide us the steps that are involved and also do we need to do any DNS changes in the application to accept the IG DNS?

Greetings Saichandra,

First, do clients of the application have access today? Is the url accessible? Is the IP addr accessible?

The reason I ask is we make the assumption that if IG is used, its access should not be allowed to be circumvented by the client.

Did you want to continue access to this application by this very url? If so, IG will take on the hostname and deployment uri and port.

Then you need to build a “route”, providing the deployment of the application and the preferred “handler”, at minimum.

Do take a look at the introductory training on IG found here: Training - ForgeRock Backstage

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Thanks @grpensa ,

The the URL is accessiable now.Can you please let me know more details on If so, IG will take on the hostname and deployment uri and port.?

Also the Reverse Proxy is needed.

Requests made for your application need to be routed through IG, so any requests for your application’s hostname and port need to result in traffic going to IG. Now that doesn’t necessarily mean the application’s host/port resolve to IG, it typically means that those values resolve to a load balancer which would then be reconfigured to direct traffic to IG instead of the application server. Within IG you would then configure a route for that app’s hostname, and the appropriate handlers based on what you would like IG to do with requests.

For the purposes of setting up a simple integration to test out IG - yes, you’d configure the app’s URL to route to IG and then IG would route the traffic direct to the application’s host. This would likely involve simple modifications to your local hosts file.

I’d also like to echo @grpensa and recommend the IG training. At the very least the IG documentation provides some very good deployment steps that can get you started and help expand your understanding of the product.