How To Troubleshoot AutoID


Whether you’re an experienced professional or just starting out, this video tutorial will guide you through a range of troubleshooting tips and techniques for AutoID. These techniques help you learn to identify problems, pinpoint root causes, and implement troubleshooting solutions using practical real-world examples.

AutoID Troubleshooting Checklist:

The AutoID Troubleshooting Checklist below serves as a reference, reflecting the steps outlined in the video.

Note: These steps assume a Unix-like system with required permissions and configurations.

  1. Check Certificates

    • Set the export password: substitute the example “password” with your actual password value:

      export password=password
    • Navigate to the MongoDB certificates directory:

      cd mongo/certs
    • Verify the MongoDB certificate against the CA file:

      openssl verify -CAfile ca.pem mongonodekey.crt_signed
    • List contents of MongoDB client keystore:

      keytool -list -keystore mongo-client-keystore.jks -storepass $password
    • List contents of MongoDB server truststore:

      keytool -list -keystore mongo-server-truststore.jks -storepass $password
    • Navigate to the OpenSearch certificates directory:

      cd opensearch/certs
    • List contents of OpenSearch client keystore:

      keytool -list -keystore elastic-client-keystore.jks -storepass $password
    • List contents of OpenSearch server truststore:

      keytool -list -keystore elastic-server-truststore.jks -storepass $password
    • Verify the OpenSearch certificate against the CA file:

      openssl verify -CAfile root-ca.pem esnodekey.crt_signed
  2. Verify Spark and OpenSearch Master

    • Check if Spark is running on port 7077:

      netstat -tunlp
    • Access Spark master web UI to verify status: (verify if the master is up and a worker joined)

      elinks http://localhost:8080
  3. Check Livy

    • Check Livy functionality by creating a PySpark session:

      • Request session creation:
        curl -X POST --data '{"kind": "pyspark"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
      • Verify session creation response.
    • Execute a PySpark statement in the session:

      • Submit statement:
        curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"code":"1 + 2"}'
      • Verify statement execution response.
    • Check statement output:

      • Get statement result:
        curl | python3.8 -m json.tool
      • Ensure output data contains the value 3; livy successfully connected to spark.
  4. Check Cassandra

    • Check Cassandra cluster status using SSL:

      • cluster status:
        cqlsh --ssl -u cassandra -p cassandra -e 'describe cluster'
      • Connect as zoran_user to Cassandra database:
        cqlsh --ssl -u zoran_dba -p 'Welcome!23'
      • Clear system data:
        sudo rm -rf /var/lib/cassandra/data/system/*
  5. Check Mongo Login

    • Access the MongoDB shell using ‘mongoadmin’ credentials:
      mongo -u 'mongoadmin' -p 'Welcome!23' -host --tls --tlsCertificateKeyFile mongodb.pem --tlsCAFile rootCA.pem
      • Make sure you are able to access the Mongo shell.
  6. Check OpenSearch

    • Query OpenSearch endpoint using 'elasticadmin ’ user credentials to ensure you can retrieve information about the indices (databases) stored in the OpenSearch instance:

      curl -k --location --user elasticadmin --request GET
    • Check the status of the OpenSearch instance with 'elasticadmin ’ user credentials:

      curl -XGET -u 'elasticadmin:Welcome!23' --cacert root-ca.pem
  7. Check OpenSearch Security Configuration:

    • Navigate to OpenSearch security configuration directory:

      cd opensearch/plugins/opensearch-security/securityconfig
    • Run OpenSearch security update:

      RUN opensearch security update
    • Navigate to OpenSearch security tools directory:

      cd opensearch/plugins/opensearch-security/tools/
    • Update OpenSearch Security Configuration:

      ./ -cd ../securityconfig/ -icl -nhnv -cacert ../../../config/root-ca.pem -cert ../../../config/admin.pem -key ../../../config/admin-key.pem -h
  8. Run Deployer and Restart Services

    • Run deployer script:

    Note: Ensure to remove localhost entry from /etc/hosts.

    • Navigate to Spark home directory:

      cd spark home
    • Stop Spark and Livy services:

      ./livy/bin/livy-server stop
    • Start Spark and Livy services:

      ./livy/bin/livy-server start
    • Start MongoDB:

      mongod --config /mongo/mongo.conf
    • Start OpenSearch:

      ./opensearch/ > opensearch.log 2>&1 &
    • Navigate to OpenSearch Dashboards bin directory:

      cd ~/opensearch-dashboards/bin/
    • Start OpenSearch Dashboards:

      ./opensearch-dashboards --host > opensearch-dashboards.log 2>&1 &

Additional resources

image Autonomous Identity



Getting Started
Deploy and Install
Configure and Maintain
Using Autonomous Identity

Great resource, thanks Hope!

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