How to Validate Password using Next Gen Script

In Identity cloud journey scripted decision node, I am trying to validate the password using next gen script openidm.action endpoint but while the execution of script I’m getting the following error-

“message”: “***passwordvalidation: Unable to call IDM Policy Endpoint. Exception: JavaException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.forgerock.openam.scripting.wrappers.HttpClientScriptException”

I’m guessing the error is in the syntax for data that is pasing in the line-

openidm.action("policy/managed/alpha_user", "validateProperty", {
                "object": {},
                "properties": {

I tried looking for the syntax for “validateProperty” but coudn’t find in any of the IDcloud docs. So please help me to identify the root cause of error or maybe the correct syntax.
Here is the script I’m using-

* Full Configuration 

var config = {
managedUser: "/alpha_user",
nodeName: "***passwordvalidation"

* Node outcomes

var NodeOutcome = {
PASS: "success",
ERROR: "error",
  FAIL: "fail"

* Log an HTTP response
* @param {Response} HTTP response object

function logResponse(response) 
{ + ": Scripted Node HTTP Response: " + response.getStatus() + ", Body: " + response.getEntity().getString());

** The main function
function passwordvalidation(newPassword) {

var response; + ": Attempting to connect passwordvalidation: " + " connected.");

try {
    var request = openidm.action("policy/managed/alpha_user", "validateProperty", {
                "object": {},
                "properties": {
    response = httpClient.send(request).get();

catch (e) {
    logger.error(config.nodeName + ": Unable to call IDM Policy Endpoint. Exception: " + e);
    nodeState.putShared("errorMessage","Unable to call IDM Policy Endpoint. Exception");
    return NodeOutcome.ERROR;

if (response.status === 200) {  
    var systemResponse = response.statusText;
      if(systemResponse.result){ + ": user password validation is success");
       nodeState.get("objectAttributes").putShared("password", newPassword);

       return NodeOutcome.PASS;
    } else {
  + ": user password validation failed " + systemResponse.failedPolicyRequirements );
		nodeState.putShared("errorMessage","The new password does not match the password policy");
       return NodeOutcome.ERROR;  

* Node entry point
*/ + ": node executing");

var newPassword;

if (!(newPassword = nodeState.get("newPassword"))) {
logger.error(config.nodeName + ": Unable to retrieve password from transientState");
nodeState.putShared("errorMessage","Unable to retrieve password from transientState");
outcome = NodeOutcome.FAIL;
} else {
outcome = passwordvalidation(newPassword);