IDM connector failure

Hi Everyone,

I’m trying to connect OpenIDM to DS using a connector but I’m getting an error that says “Connector not found: ConnectorKey( bundleName=org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.ldap-connector bundleVersion=[, connectorName=org.identityconnectors.ldap.LdapConnector )”
However, I’m able to connect to the directory services using Apache directory studio.
Thank you for your help in advance.

Without some version information it may be hard to troubleshoot but typically DS requires a secure connection. Did you provide the certificate and check the SSL box? Below is how to get the certificate.

echo -n | openssl s_client -connect | sed -ne ‘/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p’ > ldapserver.pem

If not, did you can change the Root Password Policy (if not using then Default Password Policy) to not require secure auth.

dsconfig set-password-policy-prop
–policy-name Root\ Password\ Policy
–set require-secure-authentication:false
–hostname localhost
–port 4444
–bindDn uid=admin
–bindPassword password

Hey Tintin12

Can you confirm that you have a connector in your /connectors directory that matches the version you’ve specified in your configuration? Right now you have [, specified, which means you need a connector file with 1.5.x.x in the name. If you check the /connectors directory you would be looking for a file named ldap-connector-1.5.x.x.jar with x.x replaced with version numbers.

If you have the appropriate connector file, there may be an upstream configuration error that is impacting you. As david.lee pointed out it would help to know your version information, and it would also help to see your provisioner file (with sensitive details redacted, of course) and your openidm0.log.0 file containing the error message.

@patrick_diligent @mwtech @david.lee @Tintin12

I’m facing same error but in Identity cloud.
Usecase: Connect OnPrem - AD from Identity Cloud using connector.

Hence, I have installed RCS in an onPrem Windows Server. In IDC Admin UI, I can see Connector Server Status=connected.

But when I try to add LDAP type connector- I also see same error message.

Connector not found: ConnectorKey( bundleName=org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.ldap-connector bundleVersion=[, connectorName=org.identityconnectors.ldap.LdapConnector )”

Yes the jar files available in /openicf/connectors/

I have openicf folder in RCS server without any sample folder. and I don’t think there are any provisioner file where I can check.

I saw in ConnectorServer logs

Sep 19, 2023 4:36:44 PM INFO o.i.f.i.a.l.LocalConnectorInfoManagerImpl: Add ConnectorInfo ConnectorKey( bundleName=org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.kerberos-connector bundleVersion= connectorName=org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.kerberos.KerberosConnector ) to Local Connector Info Manager from file:/C:/openicf/connectors/kerberos-connector-
Sep 19, 2023 4:36:44 PM INFO o.i.f.i.a.l.LocalConnectorInfoManagerImpl: Add ConnectorInfo ConnectorKey( bundleName=org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.ldap-connector bundleVersion= connectorName=org.identityconnectors.ldap.LdapConnector ) to Local Connector Info Manager from file:/C:/openicf/connectors/ldap-connector-

Your help will really valuable here as I really do not know where is this version mentioned so that I can update it with in Identity Cloud.

Hi @tanu.garg,

Are you referencing the connector server (or cluster) in the Remote Host field in the connector configuration?

e.g if the name I have given to my RCS server is rcs-1, then Remote Host should be rcs-1. If you have configured an RCS cluster named rcs that comprises rcs-1 and rcs-2, then Remote Host should be rcs to leverage the RCS cluster.



Has anyone figured out the solution to troubleshoot this issue, I am facing the same issue but with mongoDB connector. I check my connectors folder and I see that a jar file with the exact version is available yet the connection is not successful.

below is my error log:

Error Connector not found: ConnectorKey( bundleName=org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.mongodb-connector bundleVersion= connectorName=org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.mongodb.MongoDBConnector )

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I wonder if it is something as simple as the connector is not osgi compliant. That is, nit deployed as an osgi bundle.

Does the console show the bundle activated?