Is it possible to load external script or refer function from other script on scripted decision node

Is it possible to load external script or refer function from other script on scripted decision node


Have a look at the developer’s guide. The scripted decision node incorporates the script… and the entire artifact is in fact persisted to the AM Config-DS.
So short answer, yes, you may develop your scripts outside of AM BUT you must include the encoded script with the artifact and persist it to the Config-DS.

that I know the script store on the config-DS, But we have few methods/functions are generic in nature. we don’t want to re-write these functions on each scripted decision node file. which is against the coding standards. If anything change then we have to change on each scripted decision node. Like IDM allow to load the scripts and use the function on the custom api.

Scripts can be managed from REST calls to simplify management but there is no concept of script libraries persisted in AM at this point in time.