Is it possible to query a null value in a queryFilter?

I tried to search null mail value when using queryFilter REST, is it possbile?


Thank you

You could use the ‘pr’ (presence) operator @yohanescalvin:



Hi thank you for the reply,

So how the query gonna be like? is it _queryFilter=mail+pr or _queryFilter=mail+pr+null?

If i tried _queryFilter=mail+pr, it will return all user instead finding the null mail attribute user.

Yes, you have to negate it, e.g _queryFilter=!+mail+pr

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Thank you it is working on my side :)


This article is very useful and I have come across similar issues. How will we apply when we have multiple AND filter and if one of them is empty that should be ignored.

I tried a filter like this and it seems to be working fine,
_queryFilter = (id+eq+‘1’)+and+!(status+pr)