Modify _id length while creating User with client assigned _id


While trying to create identity user object in ForgeRock IdentityCloud using REST API calls, I passed the below value for _id as parameter. But it is giving me the below error:

“code”: 400,
“reason”: “Bad Request”,
“message”: “Invalid Attribute Syntax: Entry "fr-idm-uuid=00992008,ou=user,o=bravo,o=root,ou=identities" contains a value "00992008" for attribute fr-idm-uuid that is invalid according to the syntax for that attribute: The provided value "00992008" has an invalid length for a UUID. All UUID values must have a length of exactly 36 bytes, but the provided value had a length of 8 bytes”,
“detail”: {
“passwordQualityAdvice”: {
“attributeType”: “userPassword”,
“passingCriteria”: [
“type”: “length-based”,
“parameters”: {
“max-password-length”: 0,
“min-password-length”: 8
“type”: “character-set”,
“parameters”: {
“min-character-sets”: 0,
“character-sets”: [
“allow-unclassified-characters”: true,
“character-set-ranges”: []
“type”: “attribute-value”,
“parameters”: {
“min-substring-length”: 5,
“match-attributes”: [
“check-substrings”: true,
“test-reversed-password”: true
“failingCriteria”: []

Is there a way to change and configure in ForgeRock IdentityCloud to set the length as 8 bytes for _id for a user object in ForgeRock IdentityCloud ?

What is the request?