Multi-Cluster Deployment Using Google Cloud Multi-Cluster Ingress and Cloud DNS for GKE

Google docs:
Multi-Cluster Ingress
Set Up Multi-Cluster Ingress
Deploy Multi-Cluster Ingress


This article explains how to deploy the ForgeRock Identity Platform across two different clusters, and configure proximity-based routing with multi-cluster ingress.


  • Fully meshed multi-cluster DS tolopology using CloudDNS for GKE
  • Global HTTP(S) load balancing across multiple clusters with Multi Cluster Ingress
  • Health checks to manage application level failover between clusters
  • Proximity-based routing
  • Active/active or failover
  • Blue/green deployments

Step 1: Prerequisites

1. Cloud SDK version

  • Cloud SDK version 290 or later.

2. Select Anthos pricing model
Anthos ingress controller is a Google hosted service which is used by Multi Cluster Ingress.
Choose your Anthos pricing model here:

3. Enable MCI APIs

gcloud services enable 
gcloud services enable # Enable if required based on the previous section 
gcloud services enable

Step 2: Cluster provisioning and DS setup

  • Follow the clouddns readme to set up US and EU clusters and deploy DS using Cloud DNS for GKE.
  • Enable HTTP load balancing on the clusters. This can be applied either at cluster creation time or after the clusters are created.
  • After following the above steps you should have the following:
    • HTTP load balancing and workload identity enabled on both clusters
    • Secret Agent Operator deployed
    • DS deployed and communicating across both clusters
  • Now you need to register your new clusters to a fleet. Multi-cluster works only on clusters that are registered to the same fleet. Ensure:
  • <cluster_location> matches the location of the cluster master.
  • <cluster_name> matches the exact name of the cluster.
  • <project_id> matches your Google Cloud Project ID.
gcloud container hub memberships register <cluster_name> \ 
--gke-cluster <cluster_location>/<cluster_name> \ 
--enable-workload-identity \ 

Verify membership by running the following command:

gcloud container hub memberships list --project=<project_id>

Step 3: Config cluster

For more info on configuring the config cluster, see a Google doc here: Setting up Multi Cluster Ingress  |  Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)  |  Google Cloud.

Enable the US cluster as the config cluster:

gcloud alpha container hub ingress enable --config-membership=clouddns-us

Verify the config cluster:

gcloud alpha container hub ingress describe

Output should look something like:

  configMembership: projects/<project id>/locations/global/memberships/<cluster-membership-name>

Step 4: MCI Preparation

1. Create a Static IP
A static IP is required for the HTTP(S) load balancer. See the Google doc here:

Add the IP address to the MultiClusterIngress file using the static-ip annotation:

annotations: <static ip address>

2. SSL cert for the HTTP(S) load balancer There are various options for generating an SSL cert for external traffic to the HTTP(S) load balancer.

For the first two options, update the MultiClusterIngress file using the pre-shared-certs annotation:

annotations: "certname"

3. Configure FQDN
Add FQDN to the host property in the MultiClusterIngress file.

- host: <fqdn>

4. Deploy the custom resources to the config server

cd etc/multi-cluster/google-cloud/multi-cluster-ingress/mci
kubectl apply -f mci.yaml -n prod
kubectl apply -f mcs.yaml -n prod
kubectl apply -f backendconfig.yaml -n prod

For more information on the above resources see the Google doc links below:

Step 5: Deploy Frontend Apps

1. Deploy AM, IDM and the UIs
This example reflects a CDM medium size deployment which is the size used for testing. Please adjust to suit your requirements.

bin/forgeops install apps ui --medium

2. Verify deployment

Things to check:

  • All pods are deployed kubectl get pods

  • You can access the UIs e.g.

  • Load balancer pod status is green and backend services are green (healthchecks passed) e.g.\\<projectID>

  • Verify requests from a US and EU location go to their relevant/local clusters.

Step 6: Delete the deployment

Carry out the following commands in each cluster:

bin/forgeops delete apps ui

Step 7: Delete the multi-cluster ingress configuration

1. Remove configs from config cluster

From the config cluster:

kubectl delete mcs --all 
kubectl delete backendconfig --all 
kubectl delete mci forgerock

2. Remove clusters from fleet

gcloud container hub memberships delete clouddns-eu
gcloud container hub memberships delete clouddns-us

Step 8: Pricing

Step 9: Testing

The following tests have been carried out across two clusters in different regions unless specified (failover is triggered by scaling down product to 0 pods):

  • Verify geolocation.
  • Test failover between europe-west1 and europe-west2/europe-west2 and us-west-2
  • Failover IDM while creating users.
  • Test failover of AM across 3 clusters in different regions.
  • Test split load by running test against 1 location with low available resources.
  • Failover IDM based on idrepo being down.
  • Failover AM which running AuthN and Access Token simulations.
  • Test failover across 3 different clusters.
  • Running performance tests for 1,6 and 12 hour durations.
  • Running AM performance tests with stateful and stateless tokens.
  • Running load simulataneously across 2 clusters and forcing failover of AM.


  • Use health check status to manage failovers:
    • Fail over IDM if AM is down
    • Fail over AM if idrepo or cts is down
    • Fail over IDM if idrepo is down
  • Enable SSL endpoint of AM
  • Resolve throuput ussues after 7 hours durin dual load performance testing
  • IG/RCS agent?

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