Platform-UIs Theme customization from Dark-theme

We wanna make a theme for the login-ui, and the enduser-ui from the dark theme, customizing with our logos and features, but we couldn’t find the theme directory for the customization, we start from docker-compose, but when modify the theme in platform_env file didn’t work, and we try clone from GitHub repository for customization, but couldn’t find the directory either

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Not sure if this is helpful at all but I’m curious what the solution is

Hi Kelly, thanks for the answer. This documentatiuon you send is for the am-external. We wanna create a enteir Theme from dark theme for the Platform-UI 7.1.0, based in this documentation ForgeRock Identity Platform 7.1 > Platform Setup Guide and this repository GitHub - ForgeRock/platform-ui, but its missing the part that explain how change features and logos for this themes.

Hi @Danft,

I’m following up with our documentation experts and internal teams. I see the procedure and customization directories are provided in the AM-UI customization guide and cross-checking compatibility.

Thank you,

Hi @Danft,

I’ve spoken with our internal teams and can confirm that the steps to customize the UI in the AM docs will not work with the Platform UI. The following instructions and example were provided for theming the Platform UI:

Theming is explained in the readme to the repo found in the link below:

Below is a link to the example theme we provide:

Additionally, if you use the recent platform-ui, the built int hosted pages theming is there (for enduser & login).

I hope you find this helpful!

Thank you,