Reconciliation using SQL RCS- Duplicate source to single target object


I have the RCS Connector working with MSSQL DB. It links fine with the unique identifier to the target managed object in FR ID cloud on a single mapping.

The requirement is to map duplicate source to to a single target with the field to be appended with the values.

Row 1: - 1 (SQL)(linking field) , AB - > 1 , AB ((ID cloud, different field in the managed object)
Row 2: 1 , BC → 1 , AB,BC (Link the second row from source SQL to target but update the field with the value)
Row 3: 1, CD → 1, AB,BC, CD

Any thoughts on this are appreciated.

Thanks -Mat

Sounds like you are talking about using link qualifier

Review Map a single source object to multiple target objects :: IDM 7.5.0 (change the version to one you are using)

Let me know if this is not the case and I can try again.


Hi @mdaveiam,

So I understand that this is Multiple Sources → Single target, and not Single Source → Multiple Targets.

There is a possible solution, but with some caveats. First this must ensure that the order of the rows will produce a consistent result (and it would be best in fact that there is not overlap). Secondly, the first operation for a specific object is to be a CREATE (ABSENT) then next ones has to be UPDATE(found). However, this will not work straight away with the default configuration as object synchronisations are handled in multiple tasks - and therefore, synchronisation order is not ensured. Therefore, you’ll have to reduce the number of synchronisation tasks to 1. This can be quite a performance hit.

The alternative is to sanitatise the source data to ensure a consistent, performant and successful reconciliation. Perhaps could you create a view that would aggregate the object’s multiple rows into one?


You can use Link Qualifiers to help you managed the mapping. Thats in the document I linked to.

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