I am trying to describe (so can export) a hosted entity provider from my environment so can promote it but having issues getting it. I get the below error when trying to describe the entity even though I see it in the ‘list’ command when running the list option for saml. Is there a parameter needed for the describe / entity configuration?
There are a few ways to get this completed.
These examples assume the entity provider is scoped to the top level realm:
See Knowledge - ForgeRock BackStage
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Yeah, these are using the OOTB utiliites for the hosted / remote entity providers. I need to do this via the frodo utility (see they have the saml method with export / list / describe) so trying to find a way to export it there so can put it into a pipeline / configuration migration utility I am writing between environments.
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Hi @nick.hatsec,
So this command works fine in my environment, like this:
$ frodo saml describe --entity-id <entity id> -k <connection> <realm>
to export:
$ frodo saml export --entity-id <entity id> -k <connection> <realm>
About your error, it says “Realm not found”, it might be that you command is mis-formatted and it’s taking one of the parameters as the realm. Try providing --entity-id
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