Setting Up An Active Directory Plugin For ForgeRock Identity Cloud

By Kevin Schneider
Originally posted on


This post describes how to integrate the Active Directory (AD) Password Synchronization Plugin with ForgeRock Identity Cloud (FIDC).
The full documentation can be found in the Password Synchronization Plugin Guide.


To store passwords securely, Identity Management Systems such as ForgeRock Identity Cloud and Active Directory normally don’t store a user’s password in cleartext, but as a non-reversible, secure hash. Passwords in FIDC can be hashed with a variety of algorithms. If a remote system is using a supported hashing algorithm to store passwords, the password hashes could simply be synchronized to FIDC. Active Directory, however, uses a hash algorithm that is not supported in FIDC; therefore, simply exchanging the hash values isn’t possible.

In order to synchronize passwords, a password change has to be intercepted before the password is hashed. This is the job of the Active Directory
password sync plugin that has to be installed on the Active Directory domain controller. It is implemented as an LSA password filter and gets
notified when a password is changed. As it receives the password in cleartext before it is hashed, it can send it to FIDC before it is irreversibly

Important: Synchronization of passwords between multiple domain controllers happens with the hashed password value, not the cleartext. As
the cleartext password is only available on the domain controller that handles the password change, the sync plugin has to be installed on every
domain controller.


In order to keep that operation secure, the password plugin communicates with FIDC through a TLS connection. In addition, the password is encrypted with a public key.

The following is a sample request payload sent by the plugin:

  “operation”: “replace”,
  “field”: “/password”,
  “value”: {
    “$crypto”: {
      “value”: {
        “data”: “fPs+xYfitIV1srIH8CczCg==”,
        “cipher”: “AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding”,
        “key”: {
           “data”:    “GbEbplqzXeRzVp9l77p/yyAAHStO5Hcr9C5AFrb0xtLendbmhvYDDCoJtKHsGsSrUSOaaGgjNojTf7T+TT4ip7sMVPlS1Lzo0xMxd7dT6FPtjfl3m9tn0+6JqZCoiE04Yfb33aqB3yq0ZBQaR7tTJStq+GSC115udK+pEnyDdy1YF9Zgak3Ar5mIREPsgIx/PB02OLgdqtanSfU/rK+I4bCytF2yUQoLnnkXh/b/Gq7Xtj56Wlzal03B8dio5OOCYFJwsWgoZ7CJV6NkZmHlUhYEP9CExiQOJa61lWV7s6rNHoSV//TX8NarO8GVLjp9wlvUYy0Bl8LpuCOHe1e/Xw==”,
          “cipher”: “RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding”,
          “key”: “openidm-localhost”
      “type”: “x-simple-encryption”

The plugin authenticates to FIDC with an OAuth 2.0 token. This token is requested from AM using the Client Credentials grant flow.

The following steps explain how to set up FIDC so only the password value can be changed by that client.

Set up the sync plugin

To set up the sync plugin and integrate it with FIDC, the following high-level steps need to be completed:

  1. Setup an OAuth client to allow the password sync plugin to authenticate.
  2. Configure authorization and access rules for the password sync plugin
  3. Set up the key stores
  4. Install the password sync plugin on all domain controllers

Prepare the OAuth client config

The following steps create a new OAuth client configuration that is used by the password sync plugin to authenticate to FIDC using the client
credentials flow.

Create a new OAuth client configuration

In the FIDC platform UI, create a new Service Application: Applications > Add Application > Service.

Enter the client ID and client secret, making sure to keep a note of the client secret. For the purpose of this guide the Client ID will be ‘ADSyncClient’.

Ensure that the Grant Types is set to Client Credentials and enter fr:idm:* in the Scopes field.

Set up authentication and access rules


The sync plugin requires rights to read the user and change its password. For this you have to set up an internal user and give the appropriate rights:
Create a static user mapping in the authentication.json rsFilter that maps the client ID to an internal user and role:

curl --location --request PATCH ‘https://<FIDC_URL>/openidm/config/authentication’ \
--header ‘Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>’ \
--header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \
--data-raw ‘[{
  “operation”: “add”,
  “field”: “/rsFilter/staticUserMapping/-”,
  “value”: {
   “localUser”: “internal/user/ADSyncClient”,
   “roles”: [
   “subject”: “ADSyncClient”

Modify access.json to give the internal role permission to update just the password:

curl --location --request PATCH 'https://<FIDC_URL>/openidm/config/access' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '[{
  "operation": "add",
  "field": "/configs/-",
    "pattern": "managed/alpha_user",
    "roles": "internal/role/adsyncplugin",
    "methods": "update,action",
    "actions": "*",
    "customAuthz": "restrictPatchToFields(['\''password'\''])"

Test the setup

At this point, it is advisable to test if the FIDC configuration is working as expected.

First get an access token to see if the authentication is working as expected. We will use the token for further tests:

curl --location \
--request POST \
_token' \
--header ‘Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=ADSyncClient' \
--data-urlencode 'client_secret=<CLIENT_SECRET>' \
--data-urlencode 'scope=fr:idm:*' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials'

The response should be similar to this:

"scope": "fr:idm:*",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3599

With the access token you can now execute the request that the password sync plugin makes to update the password. (Note that the plugin is
encrypting the password value. See above for a sample payload with encrypted password):

This call should be successful and return the patched user object.

Prepare the keystore

The password synchronization plugin encrypts the password with a strong symmetric key (AES128 or AES256). This key is in turn encrypted with a
public key that resides in a keystore configured in the plugin. IDM is set up with the corresponding private key and can decrypt the password. In FIDC
the private key has been created during the setup of the tenant. The public key certificate can be requested via ticket.

Create a ticket under your subscription to request the certificate to encrypt the password. Mention you need the openidm-localhost
certificate to setup the password synchronization plugin. The X509 certificate you receive will be in base64-encoded DER format. The
sync plugin requires a PKCS#12 keystore. The openssl command can be used to create a new PKCS#12 keystore with the certificate.

On the command line, execute the following command:

$ openssl pkcs12 -export -nokeys -in /path/to/openidm-localhost.pem - out fidc.p12

You will be asked to enter and confirm a password.

Plugin installation

IMPORTANT: The sync plugin has to be installed on all domain controllers.

Tip: Start the installation from the command line with the /saveinf parameter. This storse the setup information in an inf file. Further installations can
then be completed by referencing the inf file.

C:\path\to\dir>ad-passwordchange-handler-1.7.0.exe /saveinf=C:\temp\adsync.inf

C:\path\to\dir>ad-passwordchange-handler-1.7.0.exe /verysilent /loadinf=C:\temp\adsync.inf

Download the latest version of the plugin from Backstage.

Start the installation

  1. Connection

OpenIDM URL: https://<FIDC_TENANT_URL>/openidm/managed/alpha_user?_action=patch&_queryFilter=userName+eq+’${samaccountname}’
2.User Password attribute:* password

  1. Authentication

    User name: The Client ID of the OAuth Client (ADSyncClient)
    4.Password:* The Client Secret
    5.OAuth2 Access Token URL:* https://<FIDC_TENANT_URL>/am/oauth2/realms/root/realms/alpha/access_token
    6.Authentication Type:* OAuth2 Access Token

  2. Password Encryption

8.Path:* Select the PKCS12 file with the openidm certificate
9.Private Key alias:* openidm-localhost
10.Password to open the certificate file:* Keystore password
11.Select encryption key type/size:* aes128 or aes256

  1. Data storage

    Enter the directory where the service data should be stored.

The poll interval is used to check if FIDC is available. Enter a time in seconds; for example, 30.

  1. Log storage

Enter a directory where the logs should be stored and the log level. Note that debug is very verbose. For production this should be set to error.
Confirm that you want to install the program and it will ask to restart the computer. Don’t restart yet.

Prevent endless loops

If FIDC also sends updates to Active directory when the password changes, this will create an endless loop. To prevent this, set the pwdChangeInterval
to ignore any updates for the set period of time.

Access the configuration with Registry Editor under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > ForgeRock > OpenIDM > PasswordSync

Create a new key, pwdChangeInterval, and set it to 60.

All done

After a restart, the plugin will be set up.

Other Articles by This Author

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Hi everyone it looks like the current solution recommended by forgerock is the following:

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Hi @jayce.nelson,

Distinction must be made between Migration and Sync.

  • Setting up a password plugin deals with sync (propagating changes). It can’t migrate passwords (unless a process is forcing reset of ALL passwords)
  • Migration depends wether the password hash is compatible with ForgeRock Identity Cloud.
    – If yes, the hash can be sync’ed as is
    – If not, then use a just in time process - when user authenticates to ForgeRock Identity Cloud, check user’s credential with with pass-through authentication, then push the captured password into the user’s profile ==> Pass-through authentication :: ForgeRock Identity Cloud Docs

One possible scenario (which I would not recommend) in using a password sync plugin is where:

  • The Identities are sync’ed to an external directory (including credentials)
  • Password change can be made at both sides
