The endpoint to trigger clear-site-data Header on logout

While working on a ticket to test "Add clear-site-data Header on Logout
, a bug is discovered

So if a customer want to disable the clear-site-data header on logout and uses the AM 's GUI to logout, the clear-site-data will not be removed at the sub-realm because the endpoint is always targeting the root realm

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Hey Sam!

Thanks so much for the heads up and for proactively sharing your solution for the 'Add clear-site-data Header on Logout’ with the community. Your detailed explanation of the issue and the specific endpoint is greatly appreciated! :+1:

While working on a ticket to test "Add clear-site-data Header on Logout
it only works if you run this endpoint against the “specific” realm


https://[Tenant-FQDN]/am/json/realms/root/realms/[REAM_NAME]/sessions/?_action=logout instead.

If you run against the root realm, eg https://[Tenant-FQDN]/am/json/realms/root/sessions/?_action=logout , the session will be logout but the above header will not be added

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