Unable to launch videos in On-Demand Training?

I’m in the On-Demand training for Ping Directory, I see the course overview, I can click Next through every chapter, it looks like it wants to Play a video, I can even click “full screen”…but there’s no video to watch. Am I missing an extension or a codex? Tried it in Chrome and Edge on Windows 11. No error, just no content.

Hello @cpinckard, thank you for reaching out to the community. I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble with the video. Could you please share the URL of the On-Demand training for Ping Directory where you’re experiencing issues?

Certainly! I’m positive this is something I’m doing wrong, just can’t for the life of me figure it out.


Thank you for sending me the URL. I have tested it on both Chrome and Safari and encountered a similar issue on Mac. The video plays the introduction but then stops, and this behavior persists as I navigate through other chapters.

I will follow up with our University team, who can provide further assistance in this thread.
Thank you for your patience while I engage one of our team members.


Oh, there’s actually an issue? Ok, I’ll wait for an update. I don’t even see the intro, it’s just a white square where I feel a video would be. I have the brackets in the upper right corner that allow me to “full screen”, but it just full screens a blank screen.

Thank you for looking into it.


Hello @cpinckard, I have consulted with our University team and provided the feedback for both Windows and Mac. Our program manager, who oversees video quality and content, will be able to assist us tomorrow.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention!

My pleasure! I’m excited to start learning :)

Will they let me know when it’s resolved?

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Wonderful!! I’m excited for you! :+1:
Yes, either our program manager or I will keep you updated on this thread once the issue is resolved.

Thank you and best regards,

Hi there @cpinckard I am the Program Manager within Customer Training. Very sorry to hear you are having issues accessing this Training. Can I ask you to try the link again for me and refresh your screen? [Training - ForgeRock Backstage](https://PingDirectory Training )
I have gone ahead and tested this on Safari and Chrome and the files are working for me so I want to see if a refresh does it from you side as a starting point.
Let’s see if we can get you on your PingDirectory learning journey.

I’ve rebooted, still can’t see anything.

The full screen brackets are there, but nothing else. Suggestions on what else to try?

Do any pops up come up or are they being blocked by anychance? If not I am going to raise this with our Backstage team to have a look for you.

That was it, I had popup blockers that I don’t even think about. Thanks for the reminder, I’m in business now :slight_smile:

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Ahhhhh pleased to hear it! Enjoy!!!

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