Use case: Allow end users to update their profile attributes in ForgeRock Identity Cloud

Use case overview

This simple use case demonstrates how ForgeRock Identity Cloud administrators can enable end users to edit certain profile attributes, such as their username or email address, through a simple UI.

By default, most user profile attributes are already enabled for end-user editing.

Steps to achieve this use case

  1. Sign in to the Identity Cloud admin UI using your admin tenant URL, in the format https://<tenant-name>/am/XUI/?realm=/#/.

  2. Go to Native Consoles > Identity Management > Configure > Managed Objects and click Alpha_user.

  3. Click on the profile attribute you want to make editable. In this example, we’re updating UserName.

    UserName Details

  4. In the Details tab, click Show advanced options.

  5. Toggle the User Editable option to On.

    User Editable option

  6. Click Save.

Testing the use case

  1. Using Incognito or Browsing mode, go to the Identity Cloud end user login URL.

    TIP: To get the end user login URL, in the Identity Cloud admin UI, go to Journeys, click on the required Login journey, and copy and paste the Preview URL.

  2. Log in as a valid end user.

    End user Sign In

  3. In the user Dashboard, click Edit Your Profile.

    Edit Your Profile

  4. Click Edit Personal Info.

    Edit Personal Info

All the attributes that can be edited are shown. Any attributes that aren’t editable by the end user will be hidden.

Edit Personal Info screen

  1. Update the Username and click Save.
  2. In the Identity Cloud admin UI, go to Identities > Manage.
  3. Search for the end user that you have updated.

The Username field should contain the updated value.

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