Use case: Bulk import identities into ForgeRock Identity Cloud

Use case overview

This use case demonstrates how to import identities into ForgeRock Identity Cloud from a CSV file. This is useful when you want to add a large number of identities to a role or assignment in a single operation.

Before you can import the identities, you’ll need to prepare a CSV file containing the identity profiles in the correct format.

Steps to achieve this use case

Prepare the CSV file

Prepare a CSV file with the identity profiles you want to import. The file must comply with this CSV template example:


For information on generating the CSV template file, see Import bulk data.

Other requirements for a successful CSV file import include:

  • Use commas as separators. Any other separator may cause errors.
  • Include the required attributes from the managed object schema in the CSV file.
  • Leave optional properties blank in the CSV file.

An example Excel file using the CSV file template will look similar to this:

Note that there are separate columns for “preferences/marketing” and “preferences/updates”, which are set using true and false values. These values determine, per record, whether or not the associated preference will be enabled during the bulk import.

NOTE: Imported accounts will require self-service password reset or pass-through authentication.

Bulk import identities from the CSV file

  1. Sign in to the Identity Cloud admin UI using your admin tenant URL, in the format https://<tenant-name>/am/XUI/?realm=/#/.

  2. Go to Identities > Import.

  3. Click New Import.

  4. Select Alpha realmUsers and click Next.

  5. Enter the name of the CSV file to upload, and choose a property Identity Cloud will use to match an entry in the CSV file to an identity profile. In this case, we’re using UserName.

  6. Click Next.

    When the import is complete, Identity Cloud displays the number of new, updated, unchanged, and failed imports.

  7. Click Done.

View the imported identities

  1. In the Identity Cloud admin UI, go to Manage > Identities > Alpha realm - Users.

    The newly imported identities appear in the list.

  2. Click on a newly imported identity to view the details.

Additional resources


Training videos:

1 Like

@lucy.billington - This is very helpful. Along with these single valued attributes, the identities that I need to bulk import has ‘Company Number’ which is multivalued.

Is there any way - I can bulk import multivalued attribute of identities. is this even supported in Forgerock Identity cloud?

1 Like

Hi @tanu.garg,

It don’t think that the bulk import supports multivalued attributes as the generated CSV template does not include them. Also ‘Company Number’ is not defined in the ForgeRock Identity Cloud schema, so you’ll need to hold it in a generic purpose multivalued extension attribute (for example frUnindexedMultivalue1). Then configure a custom attribute - for example custom_companyNumber - as a string. This property is included in the CSV template. In the input CSV, for the custom_companyNumber column, serialise the array into a string which can be reverted back an to array (unless you know a better way to handle a multivalue field in a CSV column). Finally define an onUpdate/onCreate managed trigger which:

  • Parse the string to an array
  • Assign frUnindexedMultivalue1 with the array.


Dear Patrick @patrick_diligent ,

Thank you for your response and this was a really helpful idea.

I checked all the documentation but I could not find any sample code of how start writing the code in Managed object hooks.

frUnindexedString1 = custom_CompanyNumber (String Type) = “CH10,CH11,CH12”
frIndexedMultivalued1 = Array type = should result = [“CH10”,“CH11”,“CH12”]

Now, onUpdate hook → fetch value frUnindexedString1 and convert in Array and add in frIndexedMultivalued1


var companyNumStr = frUnindexedString1;
var temp = new Array();
temp = companyNumStr.split(/,/);
frIndexedMultivalued1 = temp;

The above code is a generic javascript code. Could you please help me to know how this code needs to be transformed in respect to Forgerock cloud mostly 1st and last line.

Hi @tanu.garg,

Please refer to Script triggers defined in the managed object configuration :: IDM 7.3.1 regarding available variables in the script scope. The one that you are interested in is object which contains the content of object being created or updated.

So something like this?

if (object.frUnindexedString1 !== null) {
   object.frUnindexedMultivalued1 = object.frUnindexedString1.split(/,/);
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@patrick_diligent @lucy.billington

I need to upload Manager information in Identity cloud using a CSV file import for users for initial data load.

Simply keeping Manager UserName in CSV file in manager column does not work. Looks like its relationship based. I have not found anywhere in documentation any CSV template what should be its format for uploading manager.

is it possible to upload Manager using csv import in identity cloud, if yes what should be its format?

Hi @srinath.uppalapati,

So with bulk import, it’s won’t be possible to import managers. Instead consider reconciliation with the CSV connector. Then have an onCreate and onUpdate hook in the mapping to build the manager relationship based on the CSV’s input.

For a large amount of identities to import, it might be good to split in multiple CSV files (while disabling the target reconciliation phase to avoid deleting records). Or, consider fine tuning the reconciliation by setting