Live Chat. Who's Calling?


Web chat is a great tool for both companies and their customers.

Customers get immediate help without having to make a phone call or wait for a response to an email. Companies can optimize the effort and cost involved in keeping their customers happy and engaged.

However, the web chat experience can start off on the wrong foot. Establishing the identity of the caller can be an awkward question and answer process, requiring information a customer doesn’t always have on hand or enjoy sharing. This dents the customer experience, and consumes time which could be better spent addressing the reason for the contact.

Ideally, the agent knows who the customer is as soon as the chat request pops up. This is particularly helpful when handling an ongoing situation with multiple chat sessions.

In this article, we’re going to look at a practical example of how to achieve this with the Amazon Connect contact center platform, together with ForgeRock Identity Cloud as the identity provider. As well as reducing customer friction when establishing the call, this approach provides the appropriate level of identity assurance for dealing with sensitive customer requests.

However, the web chat experience can start off on the wrong foot. Establishing the identity of the caller can be an awkward question and answer process, requiring information which a customer doesn’t always have to hand or enjoy sharing. This dents the customer experience, andconsumes time which could be better spent addressing the reason for the contact.

Ideally, the agent knows who the customer is as soon as the chat request pops up. This is particularly helpful when handling an ongoing situation with multiple chat sessions.

In this article, we’re going to look at a practical example of how to achieve this with the Amazon Connect contact center platform, together with ForgeRock Identity Cloud as the identity provider. As well as reducing customer friction when establishing the call, this approach provides the appropriate level of identity assurance for dealing with sensitive customer requests.

In the next article, we’ll look at how this is done in more detail.

Passing customer details into an Amazon Connect web chat session


Amazon Connect lets you include customer contact details in a chat session by passing in a signed JWT with a series of customer attributes. These attributes can then be used to personalize the chat experience, and display the customer’s identity information to the agent. Attributes can also be used for contact routing in Amazon Connect, to provide granular controls on how the chat request is processed within the contact center.

The JWT needs to be signed using a secret key downloaded from the Amazon Connect administration portal. The JWT looks something like this when decoded:

“typ”: “JWT”,
“alg”: “HS256”
“iat”: 1634561368,
“exp”: 1634561868,
“sub”: “1bbeebd5–8081–4cf8–8cde-fad9faa1b26e”,
“attributes”: {
“userName”: “jane.doe”,
“cn”: “Jane Doe”,
“givenName”: “Jane”,
“sn”: “Doe”,
“telephoneNumber”: “0763443392001”,
“mail”: “”,
“customerId”: “ABC123456”

Any of the values in the attributes section can be used in Amazon Connect contact flows as $.Attributes.attributename.

How is this JWT passed into the chat session?


Amazon Connect provides a JavaScript snippet which can be embedded in a web page to provide a chat link. It looks something like this:

(function (w, d, x, id) {
s = d.createElement('script');
s.src = '';
s.async = 1; = id;
w[x] = w[x] || function () { (w[x].ac = w[x].ac || []).push(arguments) };
})(window, document, 'amazon_connect', 'aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddddeeeeeeeeeeee');
amazon_connect('styles', { openChat: { color: 'white', backgroundColor: '#123456' }, closeChat: { color: 'white', backgroundColor: '#123456' } });
amazon_connect('snippetId', 'QVFJREFIaGo1T2pOSWpLWW9NR2I3V2FjTU9DR3JoaHRWaTZZQ1d1K0FuWmJjbnVkNHd

After enabling security for the chat widget (through an option in the Amazon Connect admin portal), you need to add an authentication callback to the above snippet. This callback needs to return the signed JWT token with the customer details. The example from Amazon looks like this:

amazon_connect('authenticate', function(callback) {
window.fetch('/token').then(res => { res.json().then(data => {
callback(; });

In this example, the callback connects to a service at /token (i.e., an endpoint on the same server as the widget page) which returns a JSON response containing the JWT in the parameter "data".

How is this JWT service implemented?


Amazon does not provide the underlying technology for this JWT endpoint; the implementation is up to you. The Amazon docs do provide a sample snippet of Python to get you started:

import jwt<br /></span><span class="gs kq jc fv kr b dt lb lc ld le lf kt s ku" data-selectable-paragraph="">CONNECT_SECRET = "your-securely-stored-jwt-secret"<br /></span><span class="gs kq jc fv kr b dt lb lc ld le lf kt s ku" data-selectable-paragraph="">payload = {<br />  'sub': 'widget-id',<br />  'iat': datetime.datetime.utcnow(),<br />  'exp': datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=500),<br />  'attributes': {"name": "Jane", "memberID": "123456789", "email": "<a href="" class="dy ja" target="_blank" rel="noopener ugc nofollow"></a>", "isPremiumUser": "true", "age": "45"}<br />}<br /></span><span class="gs kq jc fv kr b dt lb lc ld le lf kt s ku" data-selectable-paragraph="">header = {<br />  'typ': "JWT",<br />  'alg': 'HS256'<br />}<br /></span><span class="gs kq jc fv kr b dt lb lc ld le lf kt s ku" data-selectable-paragraph="">encoded_token = jwt.encode((payload), CONNECT_SECRET, algorithm="HS256", headers=header)<br /></span>

In real life, we can implement this easily in ForgeRock Identity Cloud service. This platform provides the missing pieces of the puzzle:

  • A cloud-based OpenID Connect provider which can identify and authenticate the user with little or zero friction.
  • A cloud-based implementation of the REST endpoint for issuing a JWT with the customer’s details in the format required by Amazon Connect.

What does this look like to the customer?

It can look however you want!

As a starter, here is the customer view of Amazon’s sample contact flow when you include the verified customer name and account ID.

The agent view will contain these details as well. If you integrate the Amazon Connect control panel into your own platform, you can also show the customer details in an agent screen pop.

What else can I do with customer contact details?


These attributes are more than just contact details. They can include any information you know about your customers, including attributes which can be used to handle chat requests appropriately; e.g., routing customers to priority queues if they have specific support levels, or passing customers directly to specialist support teams if they have certain subscription types.

More details, please


In the next article, we’ll look in more detail at how Amazon Connect and ForgeRock Identity Cloud are configured to support this integration.

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