The Basics of Developing Scripted Connectors for Java Remote Connector Server (Part 2)

The Basics of Developing Scripted Connectors for Java Remote Connector Server (Part 2 of 2)

Starts in The Basics of Developing Scripted Connectors for Java Remote Connector Server (Part 1).

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The quoted paragraphs, such as this one, indicate that the content they provide is supplementary and optional.


Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit)

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The scripted connectors on a Java connector server are based on the Groovy Connector Toolkit. Out of the box, ICF bundles the following scripted connectors:

  • Groovy (org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy.Scripted(Poolable)Connector)

    All connector operations are implemented in Groovy, with no built in support for a particular data source type.

  • Scripted REST (org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.scriptedrest.ScriptedRESTConnector)

    The scripts are provided with automatically maintained by ICF customizable connection to a REST interface.

  • Scripted SQL (org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.scriptedsql.ScriptedSQLConnector)

    The scripts are provided with automatically maintained by ICF connection to a JDBC data source.

Scripted Connectors > Registering Connection in IDM

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A Groovy Toolkit-based connector will perform ICF Operations with scripts hosted on the connector server. Often, a connector is performing synchronization between the target and destination systems that employs many or all of the ICF operations. The location of the scripts needs to be reflected in the connection configuration.

Here, connection configuration is the final JSON sent to the /openidm/config/provisioner.openicf/<connection-name> endpoint to register your connector parameters in IDM, as described in Configure connectors over REST.

There are cases when a connector may be used for a less involved task or a demo behind the remote source authorization walls, which might require less configuration details.

This section aims to describe registering a connection in IDM that will allow you to start using your scripted connector.

Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Registering Connection in IDM > Deployment Requirements

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Before you can register a connection in IDM, your connector server usually needs to provide a certain infrastructure, to which your connector configuration will refer via the “configurationProperties” keys.

  • “scriptRoots”

    An array of string references to locations on the connector server containing Groovy scripts that will be performing the ICF Operations. As noted in the Connector Reference docs, “scriptRoots” are required for all Groovy-based connectors.

    For example, on your RCS, /opt/openicf/scripts/groovy path could point to a folder with the scripts used by a connection. Then, the connection configuration may look like the following:


        "connectorRef": {
            "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy-connector",
            "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy.ScriptedConnector"
            [ . . . ]
        "configurationProperties": {
            "scriptRoots": [
            "createScriptFileName": null,
            "customizerScriptFileName": "CustomizerScript.groovy",
            "deleteScriptFileName": null,
            "resolveUsernameScriptFileName": null,
            "schemaScriptFileName": "SchemaScript.groovy",
            "searchScriptFileName": "SearchScript.groovy",
            "scriptOnResourceScriptFileName": "ScriptOnResourceScript.groovy",
            "syncScriptFileName": null,
            "testScriptFileName": null,
            "updateScriptFileName": null,
            [ . . . ]
        [ . . . ]

    “scriptRoots” could also refer to a (connector) .jar file containing the scripts.

    For example:


    [ . . . ]
    "scriptRoots" : [
    [ . . . ]

    For a functional scripted Groovy connection you MUST have a location registered in “scriptRoots”.

    In order to run any scripts hosted on the connector server and referenced in the connection configuration, the scripts MUST exist under a location registered in “scriptRoots”.

    If you provide an invalid reference to a script, your connection configuration will fail to be validated.

  • “customizerScriptFileName”

    The file name of a script implementing custom configuration initialization.

    This is a required script for Scripted REST connector.

  • “schemaScriptFileName”

    The file name of a script implementing the Schema operation.

    In order to use your connector for synchronization, you need a functional schema script correctly referenced in the connection configuration. Also, a functional schema script returning a schema object is required if you register your connection as described in the Configure connectors over REST doc.

    Schema script functionality is described in details in the Schema Script chapter, and example implementations can be found in its Schema Script > Example Schema Script section.

  • “searchScriptFileName”

    A connection provides access to a remote system. Normally, it is used for data exchange, where remote data is a list of resources obtained from a search operation. In a Groovy Toolkit-based connector, the search operation is performed with a search or query script, which is referenced in the connection configuration via the “searchScriptFileName” key.

    In order to use your connector for the search operation, including CRUD operations and synchronization, you MUST have a functional search script correctly referenced in the connection configuration.

    Search script functionality is described in details in the Search Script chapter, and example implementations can be found in the Example Search Script section.

If you plan to implement any other ICF operations with Groovy scripts, you will need to deploy the corresponding scripts as well.

In addition, a UI might impose its own requirements while registering a connection.

Scripted Connectors > Registering Connection in IDM > Platform UI

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In the Platform admin UI, you can Register an application and configure a Groovy, Scripted REST, or Scripted (SQL) Table connection on the application’s Provisioning tab.

From the Provisioning tab, you will be able to manage your connection, see the remote object classes and data, and apply outbound and/or inbound mappings.

A connection created in this way will also appear in the IDM admin UI, but changes made in the IDM’s native console might not apply correctly to the Platform application.

Scripted Connectors > Registering Connection in IDM > IDM’s REST

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You can register and manage your scripted Groovy connection over IDM’s REST. This way, you will miss the new Application Management features available in the Platform admin UI. You will, however, be able to manage your connection in a reproducible way and in conjunction with your script development. It will also allow for registering a minimal configuration that will still render a functional scripted connector or employ functionality a UI might not have access to.

Scripted Connectors > Registering Connection in IDM > IDM’s REST > Create Configuration

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As described in the Configure connectors over REST doc, in order to register a connection, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Find a connector reference in data returned from /openidm/system?_action=availableConnectors

  2. Using the connector reference, request the connector’s core configuration from /openidm/system?_action=createCoreConfig.

  3. Update the core configuration with your RCS specifics, and get the full connection configuration from /openidm/system?_action=createFullConfig.

    Optionally, update the full connector configuration with entries not provided by default, such as “systemActions”.

  4. Using the full configuration, register a connection at its designated configuration endpoint: /openidm/config/provisioner.openicf/<connection-name>.

As explained in the Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Deployment Requirements chapter, in the Step 3 of this process, under the “configurationProperties” key, you will need to provide a “scriptRoots” entry and valid references to the scripts that you plan to employ in your connector.

To create a full connection configuration in the Step 3, at a minimum, you will need to update the core config with the following references:

  • org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy.ScriptedConnector

    • “configurationProperties.scriptRoots”

    • “configurationProperties.schemaScriptFileName”

      The referenced schema script file MUST exist under a location listed in “scriptRoots” and the script MUST return a schema object, as described in the the Schema Script chapter.

  • org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.scriptedrest.ScriptedRESTConnector

    • “configurationProperties.serviceAddress”

    • “coreConfig.configurationProperties.username”

    • “configurationProperties.password”

    • “configurationProperties.scriptRoots”

    • “configurationProperties.customizerScriptFileName”

      The referenced customizer script file MUST exist under a location listed in “scriptRoots” and the script MUST define the init closure. Which means it needs to call customize method, pass in a closure, inside which it needs to call init method and pass in a closure (in which the HTTP client used in the connector’s scripts could be customized).

      For example:

      customize {
          init {
              [ . . . ]
    • “configurationProperties.schemaScriptFileName”

      The referenced schema script file MUST exist under a location listed in “scriptRoots” and the script MUST return a schema object, as described in the the Schema Script chapter.

  • org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.scriptedsql.ScriptedSQLConnector

    • “configurationProperties.url”

    • “configurationProperties.username”

    • “configurationProperties.password”

    • “configurationProperties.driverClassName”

    • “configurationProperties.scriptRoots”

    • “configurationProperties.schemaScriptFileName”

      The referenced schema script file MUST exist under a location listed in “scriptRoots” and the script MUST return a schema object, as described in the the Schema Script chapter.

    Note that a functional Scripted SQL connector configuration requires valid connection parameters and a functional connection they refer to.

Scripted Connectors > Registering Connection in IDM > IDM’s REST > Use a Provisioner File

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Once you have your connection configuration in JSON format—received either from the Step 3, Step 4, or an existing connection configuration endpoint—you can save it in a file, track it in your source, and read it from a script to register or update a connection.

For example:

# @param {string} $1 - Path to the provisioner configuration file.
# @param {string} $2 - Name of the connection, as (it will be) registered at /openidm/system/<connection-name>.
curl \
--header "Authorization: $AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_VALUE" \
--header "Accept-API-Version: resource=1.0" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request PUT \
--data "$(cat $1)" \
"$TENANT_ORIGIN/openidm/config/provisioner.openicf/$2" -i

You can also craft your provisioner file manually, which is even less restrictive than creating the full connection configuration in the Configure connectors over REST process.

Scripted Connectors > Registering Connection in IDM > IDM’s REST > Example

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As outlined in the Interacting with RCS via IDM’s REST chapter, while developing your Groovy connector, one convenient option for interacting with a connection configuration endpoint might be your browser console.

For example:

IDM admin UI browser console

 * Register a Groovy connection.
 * @todo Sign in IDM admin UI and run this script in the browser console.
(async function () {
    // Step 0
     * @todo Name the connection endpoint in IDM REST (case-sensitive, /[a-zA-Z0-9]/).
     * This will define the path under which you will interact with your remote connector system object.
     * @example
     * var connectionName = 'groovy'
     * Then, the system object endpoint path will be:
     * '/openidm/system/groovy'
    var connectionName = 'groovy'
     * @todo Identify your RCS server or server cluster
     * as it had been registered in your Platform admin UI > Identities > Connect.
    var connectorServerName = 'rcs';

    // Step 1
     * @todo Identify the connector name, for which you want to register a connection.
    var connectorName = 'org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy.ScriptedConnector';
     * Get available connectors.
    var settings = {
        method: 'POST',
        url: '/openidm/system?_action=availableConnectors'
    var connectorRef = await $.ajax(settings);
    console.log('connectorRef', JSON.stringify(connectorRef, null, 4));
     * Get the connector reference.
    connectorRef = connectorRef.connectorRef.find((connectorRef) => {
       return connectorRef.connectorName === connectorName && connectorRef.connectorHostRef === connectorServerName;
    console.log('connectorRef', JSON.stringify(connectorRef, null, 4));
    if (!connectorRef) {
        throw(`Cannot find ${connectorName} on host named ${connectorServerName}.`);

    // Step 2
     * Generate the connector's core configuration.
     * (Optional) Sort configuration properties for easy navigation and comparison:
     * @example JavaScript
     * coreConfig.configurationProperties = Object.entries(coreConfig.configurationProperties).sort().reduce((object, [key, value]) => {
     *     object[key] = value;
     *     return object;
     * }, {});
   settings = {
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        method: 'POST',
        url: '/openidm/system?_action=createCoreConfig',
        data: JSON.stringify({
            connectorRef: connectorRef
    var coreConfig = await $.ajax(settings);
    console.log('coreConfig', JSON.stringify(coreConfig, null, 4));

    // Step 3
     * Generate full, source-specific configuration.
     * For that, add necessary information to the core configuration.
    coreConfig.configurationProperties.scriptRoots = [
    coreConfig.configurationProperties.schemaScriptFileName = 'SchemaScript.groovy';
    coreConfig.configurationProperties.searchScriptFileName = 'SearchScript.groovy';
    settings = {
        headers: {
            'Accept-API-Version': 'resource=1.0',
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        method: 'POST',
        url: '/openidm/system?_action=createFullConfig',
        data: JSON.stringify(coreConfig)
    var fullConfig = await $.ajax(settings);
    console.log('fullConfig', JSON.stringify(fullConfig, null, 4));

    // optional
     * Update the full configuration with additional settings.
    fullConfig.systemActions = [
            "scriptId" : "script-1",
            "actions" : [
                    "systemType" : ".*ScriptedConnector",
                    "actionType" : "groovy",
                    "actionSource" : "2 + 2;"
                    "systemType" : ".*Scripted.*Connector",
                    "actionType" : "groovy",
                    "actionSource" : "2 * 2"
    console.log('fullConfigUpdated', JSON.stringify(fullConfig, null, 4));

    // Step 4
     * Register the connection.
    settings = {
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        method: 'PUT',
        url: `/openidm/config/provisioner.openicf/${connectionName}`,
        data: JSON.stringify(fullConfig)
    var connection = await $.ajax(settings);
    console.log('connection', JSON.stringify(connection, null, 4));

You can update an existing connection by using its configuration endpoint.

For example:

IDM admin UI browser console

 * Update a Groovy connection.
 * @todo Sign in IDM admin UI and run this script in the browser console.
(async function () {
     * @todo Provide name of the connection endpoint in IDM's REST (case-sensitive).
    var connectionName = 'groovy'
     * Get connection configuration.
   settings = {
        url: `/openidm/config/provisioner.openicf/${connectionName}`
    var connectionConfig = await $.ajax(settings);
    console.log('connectionConfig', JSON.stringify(connectionConfig, null, 4));

     * Update connection configuration.
    connectionConfig.systemActions = [
            "scriptId" : "script-1",
            "actions" : [
                    "systemType" : ".*Scripted.*Connector",
                    "actionType" : "groovy",
                    "actionSource" : "2 * 2"

     * Update connection.
    settings = {
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        method: 'PUT',
        url: `/openidm/config/provisioner.openicf/${connectionName}`,
        data: JSON.stringify(connectionConfig)
    var connection = await $.ajax(settings);
    console.log('connection', JSON.stringify(connection, null, 4));

Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Schema Script

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In order to be functional, your schema script MUST return an instance of Schema.

The schema instance MUST be populated with one or more instances of ObjectClassInfo, each representing a data object class (type) that you decided to expose via your connector.

To define a connector schema, you can call builder.schema(Closure closure) method in your schema script.

Inside the closure passed into the builder.schema(Closure closure) method, you can call objectClass(Closure closure) method. Each call to this method will create an ObjectClassInfo instance and add it to your connector schema; thus, defining an object class. Since at least one object class needs to be present in a schema, you need to call the objectClass(Closure closure) method at least once.

If you pass an empty closure into the objectClass(Closure closure) method, the resulting object class instance will be of the default __ACCOUNT__ type and have the default attribute __NAME__.

For example:


builder.schema {
    objectClass {


When a connection is registered, as described in the Registering Connection in IDM chapter, you will be able to request its schema in a UI or via IDM’s REST:


You cannot request a connector schema from an IDM script, because schema action in scripts is not supported on system resources.

For example:

IDM admin UI browser console

(async function () {
    var data = await $.ajax('/openidm/system/groovy?_action=schema', {
        method: 'POST'

    console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));

The aforementioned minimal example of a schema definition would result in the following response:

    "objectTypes": {
        "__ACCOUNT__": {
            "$schema": "",
            "id": "__ACCOUNT__",
            "type": "object",
            "nativeType": "__ACCOUNT__",
            "properties": {
                "__NAME__": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "nativeName": "__NAME__",
                    "nativeType": "string"
    "operationOptions": {
        [ . . . ]


  • A connector schema contains two keys:

    • “objectTypes”

    • “operationOptions”

      By default, operation options associated with an object class have no properties (that is, no options) defined. At the time of this writing, adding operation options in a schema script is not supported.

  • The “objectTypes” key is populated with a single object class definition of __ACCOUNT__ type with a single string attribute __NAME__.

Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Schema Script > Object Classes

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Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Schema Script > Object Classes > objectClass(Closure closure) method

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To customize your schema, inside the closure passed into the builder.schema(Closure closure) method you can call its delegate’s objectClass(Closure closure) method. In turn, this method accepts a closure, inside which you can use methods defined in its delegate to describe a custom object class:

  • type(String type)

    Internally, this will call the ObjectClassInfoBuilder.setType(java.lang.String type) method.

    The string that you provide as the argument will serve as the object class name. This will become an option under Applications > connection name > Provisioning > Connector Type (form) in the Platform admin UI, and under CONFIGURE > CONNECTORS > connection-name > Object Types and Data in IDM admin UI.

    For example:

    type 'myObjectTypeName'

    If you don’t call the type(String type) method, and thus don’t set the type explicitly, by default, it will be populated with “__ACCOUNT__” string, which is the value of the ACCOUNT_NAME constant predefined in the ObjectClass class.

    An “__ACCOUNT__” instance of ObjectClassInfo “represents a human being in the context of a specific system or application”.

    Hence, in the schema script example above, where the object class definition represents users of the target system, you could leave the type name at its default. Setting it to an arbitrary name makes it more explicit and demonstrates the use of the type(String type) method.

  • attribute(String name[, Class type[, Set flags]])

    This method will define an attribute (that is, a property) for the remote object class. You have to pass in at least the attribute name. In addition, you can reference a desired attribute’s Java type (which by default is java.lang.String) and provide a Set of attribute flags—all in that order.

    For example:

    attribute 'myAttributeName1', Boolean.class, EnumSet.of(REQUIRED, MULTIVALUED)

    The exact syntax is described in the Java documentation for the build(String name[, Class type[, Set flags]]) methods of the AttributeInfoBuilder class, which is used internally for constructing a static AttributeInfo object from the provided arguments.

    Eventually, it will call the ObjectClassInfoBuilder.addAttributeInfo(AttributeInfo info) method before building the object class instance.

  • attribute(AttributeInfo attributeInfo)

    You can pass in an AttributeInfo instance to the attribute method as the only argument that will fully define your attribute. This way, a commonly used attribute can be defined once and then included in different object classes.

    For example:


    import static org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.AttributeInfo.Flags.MULTIVALUED
    import static org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.AttributeInfo.Flags.NOT_UPDATEABLE
    import static org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.AttributeInfo.Flags.REQUIRED
    import static org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.AttributeInfo.Flags.NOT_RETURNED_BY_DEFAULT
    import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.AttributeInfoBuilder
    def myAttributeName1AttributeInfo =
    objectClass {
        type 'myObjectTypeName1'
        attribute myAttributeName1AttributeInfo
        [ . . . ]
    objectClass {
        type 'myObjectTypeName2'
        attribute myAttributeName1AttributeInfo
        [ . . . ]

    If you define attribute instances in a shared location, you will be able to use methods of the AttributeInfo class to retrieve the attribute properties in other scripts.

  • attributes(Closure closure)

    This method takes a closure as its only argument and can define multiple attributes for the object class at once.

    In each statement in the closure, the first literal, which acts as a method call, serves as the attribute’s “nativeName”, which is also how the attribute appears in the admin UIs.

    The literal could be followed by one or more comma-separated arguments—all optional and in any order:

    For example:

    attributes {
        myAttributeName3 Boolean.class
        myAttributeName4 NOT_UPDATEABLE, MULTIVALUED
        myAttributeName5 Map.class, NOT_RETURNED_BY_DEFAULT
        myAttributeName6 MULTIVALUED, Map.class

    In the closure, each statement represents a call to the ObjectClassInfoBuilder.addAttributeInfo(AttributeInfo info) method, and the line content is used for building an instance of the AttributeInfo class.

    Note that if you don’t provide any arguments after the attribute name literal, you have to indicate that it is a method call by adding parenthesis:


A String type __NAME__ attribute is always added to each object class in addition to properties defined with the attribute(String name[, Class type[, Set flags]]) and/or attributes(Closure closure) methods. The __NAME__ attribute is supposed to represent user-friendly identifier of an object on the target resource and could serve as a placeholder for username.

Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Schema Script > Object Classes > defineObjectClass(ObjectClassInfo objectClassInfo[, . . . ])

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You can also define object classes by using the defineObjectClass(ObjectClassInfo objectClassInfo[, java.lang.Class<? extends SPIOperation>... operations)] method of the SchemaBuilder class inside the closure passed into the builder.schema(Closure closure) method.

For example:


import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.ObjectClassInfoBuilder
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.AttributeInfoBuilder

[ . .  . ]

def myAttributeName1AttributeInfo = (new AttributeInfoBuilder()).build(

def objectClassInfoBuilder = new ObjectClassInfoBuilder()
objectClassInfoBuilder.setType 'myObjectTypeName3'
objectClassInfoBuilder.addAttributeInfo myAttributeName1AttributeInfo
def myObjectTypeName3ObjectClassInfo =

defineObjectClass myObjectTypeName3ObjectClassInfo

A potential advantage of this approach is that you could cache and re-use your object definitions and a cleaner syntax for creating dynamically defined schema.

Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Schema Script > Example Data

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To illustrate functionality of a scripted Groovy connector that employs the search operation, the following two data samples will be assumed:

  • Sample Users Data

        "Resources": [
                "id": "2819c223-7f76-453a-919d-413861904646",
                "userName": "bjensen",
                "displayName": "Ms. Barbara J Jensen III",
                "name": {
                    "familyName": "Jensen",
                    "givenName": "Barbara",
                    "middleName": "Jane"
                "emails": [
                        "value": "",
                        "type": "work",
                        "primary": true
                        "value": "",
                        "type": "home"
                "schemas": [
            [ . . . ]
        "itemsPerPage": 25,
        "schemas": [
        "startIndex": 1,
        "totalResults": 25

    This sample data is a partial realization of the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) User Resource Schema.

  • Sample Groups Data

        "Resources": [
                "schemas": [
                "id": "e9e30dba-f08f-4109-8486-d5c6a331660a",
                "displayName": "Tour Guides",
                "members": [
                        "value": "2819c223-7f76-453a-919d-413861904646",
                        "$ref": "",
                        "display": "Babs Jensen"
                    [ . . . ]
        "schemas": [
        "totalResults": 1,
        "startIndex": 1,
        "itemsPerPage": 100

    This sample data is a partial realization of the SCIM Group Resource Schema.

Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Schema Script > Example Schema Script

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Note that after registering your connection, any changes in a connector schema will not be automatically reflected in the IDM admin UI, until the object class is (re)added under CONFIGURE > CONNECTORS > connector name > Object Types. In the case of the Platform admin UI, currently, the entire application representing a scripted Groovy connection has to be recreated to reflect the changes.

Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Schema Script > Example Schema Script > Original Data Structure

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To represent the Users and the Groups
original data structures, you could define the following object classes:


 * Defined variables:
 * builder          org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy.ICFObjectBuilder
 *                  Provides schema(Closure closure) method for defining the connector schema.
 *                  @see {@link}
 * operation        org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy.OperationType
 *                  The SEARCH operation type.
 * configuration    org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy.ScriptedConfiguration
                    The connector configuration properties.
 *                  @see {@link}
 * log              org.identityconnectors.common.logging.Log
 *                  Logging facility.
 *                  @see {@link}
 * Returns          org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.Schema
 *                  @see {@link}

 * Import AttributeInfo.Flags constants, so that you can reference them in the code.
 * @see {@link}
 * @example
 * import static org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.AttributeInfo.Flags.*
import static org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.AttributeInfo.Flags.MULTIVALUED
import static org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.AttributeInfo.Flags.NOT_UPDATEABLE
import static org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.AttributeInfo.Flags.REQUIRED
import static org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.AttributeInfo.Flags.NOT_RETURNED_BY_DEFAULT

builder.schema {
     * Define a custom object class of a custom type 'users'
     * with provided by default __NAME__ attribute
     * and five additional attributes
     * describing its original data structure.
    objectClass {
        type 'users'
        attribute 'active', Boolean.class, EnumSet.of(REQUIRED)
        attributes {
            name Map.class
            emails Map.class, MULTIVALUED, REQUIRED

     * Define an additional custom object class
     * describing its original data structure.
    objectClass {
        type 'groups'
        attributes {
            members Map.class, MULTIVALUED, REQUIRED

When defined in this way schema is requested via IDM’s REST:

IDM admin UI browser console

(async function () {
    var data = await $.ajax('/openidm/system/groovy?_action=schema', {
        method: 'POST'

    console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));

The response will contain the following “objectTypes”:

    "objectTypes": {
        "groups": {
            "$schema": "",
            "id": "groups",
            "type": "object",
            "nativeType": "groups",
            "properties": {
                "displayName": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "nativeName": "displayName",
                    "nativeType": "string"
                "members": {
                    "type": "array",
                    "items": {
                        "type": "object",
                        "nativeType": "object"
                    "required": true,
                    "nativeName": "members",
                    "nativeType": "object"
                "schemas": {
                    "type": "array",
                    "items": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "nativeType": "string"
                    "nativeName": "schemas",
                    "nativeType": "string",
                    "flags": [
                "__NAME__": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "nativeName": "__NAME__",
                    "nativeType": "string"
        "users": {
            "$schema": "",
            "id": "users",
            "type": "object",
            "nativeType": "users",
            "properties": {
                "displayName": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "nativeName": "displayName",
                    "nativeType": "string"
                "middleName": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "nativeName": "middleName",
                    "nativeType": "string"
                "active": {
                    "type": "boolean",
                    "nativeName": "active",
                    "nativeType": "boolean"
                "__NAME__": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "nativeName": "__NAME__",
                    "nativeType": "string"
                "secondaryEmail": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "nativeName": "secondaryEmail",
                    "nativeType": "string",
                    "flags": [
                "primaryEmail": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "nativeName": "primaryEmail",
                    "nativeType": "string"
                "givenName": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "nativeName": "givenName",
                    "nativeType": "string"
                "familyName": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "nativeName": "familyName",
                    "nativeType": "string"
    "operationOptions": {
        [ . . . ]


  • Attributes for the “users” object class are shown under its “properties” key in the response. The attributes are not necessarily in the order you have defined them.

  • In addition to the custom attributes, explicitly defined in the schema script, ICF will automatically add placeholders for the remote resource unique identifier (_id, which is not shown in the response) and user-friendly identifier (__NAME__) to the schema.

  • Adding AttributeInfo.Flags to an attribute definition will affect its behavior in ICF operations requested from IDM.

    For example, adding the “NOT_RETURNED_BY_DEFAULT” flag would require the attribute to be explicitly requested from a search operation in order for it to be included in the search operation result.

Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Schema Script > Example Schema Script > Flat Representation of Data

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A connector’s schema does not necessarily have to match the resource data structure—your search script can modify the original data to fit your schema definition.

For example, representing complex data types in the Users sample as individual string attributes will help with filtering search operation results, reduce dependency on transformation scripts, and make mapping and displaying the inbound data easier in the Platform and IDM admin UIs.

The example schema script below demonstrates this approach in the users object class definition:


 * Defined variables:
 * builder          org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy.ICFObjectBuilder
 *                  Provides schema(Closure closure) method for defining the connector schema.
 *                  @see {@link}
 * operation        org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy.OperationType
 *                  The SEARCH operation type.
 * configuration    org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy.ScriptedConfiguration
                    The connector configuration properties.
 *                  @see {@link}
 * log              org.identityconnectors.common.logging.Log
 *                  Logging facility.
 *                  @see {@link}
 * Returns          org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.Schema
 *                  @see {@link}

 * Import AttributeInfo.Flags constants, so that you can reference them in the code.
 * @see {@link}
 * @example
 * import static org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.AttributeInfo.Flags.*
import static org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.AttributeInfo.Flags.MULTIVALUED
import static org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.AttributeInfo.Flags.NOT_UPDATEABLE
import static org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.AttributeInfo.Flags.REQUIRED
import static org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.AttributeInfo.Flags.NOT_RETURNED_BY_DEFAULT

builder.schema {
     * Define a custom object class of a custom type
     * with provided by default __NAME__ attribute
     * and seven additional attributes
     * representing individual properties in primitive formats.
    objectClass {
        type 'users'
        attributes {
            active Boolean.class
            secondaryEmail NOT_RETURNED_BY_DEFAULT

     * Define an additional custom object class
     * describing its original data structure.
    objectClass {
        type 'groups'
        attributes {
            members Map.class, MULTIVALUED, REQUIRED

With this schema script, your search script is expected to handle the remote Users data in a way that all attribute values are returned as simple strings or a boolean in a search operation result. Doing so will be demonstrated in the Example Search Script > Flat Representation of Data chapter.

Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Search Script

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If you plan to use search operation against your connector—for example, for synchronization—your search script needs to respond with available data. In order to be completely usable by IDM, a search script should implement filtering, sorting, and paging according to the criteria that was included in a search operation request and delivered to the script via its bindings.

To start working on your search script, you can deploy an empty one, so that you can reference it from your connection configuration, as described in the Registering Connection in IDM chapter. An empty search script that does not handle any data will mean query and read operations within IDM will always return an empty dataset.

Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Search Script > Requesting Search Operation

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When your search script is deployed, you can update your connection configuration with a reference to the script, as described in the Registering Connection in IDM chapter, and request a search operation via IDM’s REST or from a script in IDM.

In either case, you MUST include some search criteria in your request. Optionally, you can add sorting and paging arguments and a list of attributes to receive.

Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Search Script > Requesting Search Operation > IDM’s REST

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To initiate search operation using IDM’s REST, you can send a GET request to your system endpoint for an object class and include all your arguments in the URL.

  • Read Request

    You can search for a single resource (that is, a record in the remote system data) with a ForgeRock Common REST (CREST) Read request. In this case, path to the resource ID endpoint will become the search criteria, and you won’t need any sorting or paging arguments. The simplest form of such request would have the following structure:


    Optionally, you can specify a list of the object attributes to receive:


    For example:


  • Query Request

    You can request a list of resources by using CREST Query. The simplest form of such request would only include an all-inclusive “true” query definition:


    Optionally, you can request the result to be filtered, sorted, paged, and specify the object attributes to receive:


    For example:


Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Search Script > Requesting Search Operation > IDM Script

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  • Read Function

    The simplest call to, params, fields) will only include an object class and a resource ID reference:'system/<connection-name>/<object-class>/<ID>');

    Optionally, you can specify a list of the object attributes to receive:
        null, // optional and can be omitted if no attributes to receive are specified
            '<pointer>', // optional
            // [ . . . ]

    For example:

    IDM script

    const data =
  • Query Function

    The simplest call to openidm.query(resourceName, params, fields) will only include an all-inclusive literal ‘true’:

    openidm.query('system/<connection-name>/<object-class>', {
        _queryFilter: 'true'

    Optionally, you can request the result to be filtered, sorted, paged, and specify the object attributes to receive:

            '<sorting-and-paging-arguments>' // optional
            '<attributes-to-receive>' // optional

    For example:

    IDM script

    const data = openidm.query(
            _queryFilter: 'true',
            _pageSize: 4,
            _sortKeys: [
            _pagedResultsCookie: 'MjgxOWMyMjMtN2Y3Ni00NTNhLTkxOWQtNDEzODYxOTA0NjQ2'

    Note that the _queryFilter value MUST be a String.

You can validate your scripts over IDM’s REST.

For example:

IDM admin UI browser console

(async function () {
    var script = `
        try {
            const data = openidm.query(
                    _queryFilter: 'true'

        } catch (e) {


    var data = await $.ajax('/openidm/script?_action=eval', {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        data: JSON.stringify({
            type: 'text/javascript',
            source: script

    console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));

Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Search Script > Responding with Data

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As described in the Search or query script > Returning Search Results docs, to return a resource, your script needs to call handler(Closure closure) or handler(ConnectorObject connectorObject) method.

For example:


handler {
    uid 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
    id 'firstname.lastname'
    attribute 'active', true
    attribute 'displayName', 'Firstname Lastname'
    attribute 'givenName', 'Firstname'
    attribute 'middleName', null
    attribute 'familyName', 'Lastname'
    attribute 'primaryEmail', ''
    attribute 'secondaryEmail', ''
    attribute 'notInSchema', 'Not in Schema'

A handler MUST include the unique identifier of an object within the name-space of the target resource as the uid attribute for each resource. If your handler didn’t define resource uid, you’d encounter an exception:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The Attribute set must contain a 'Uid'

Each search operation result MUST also include the user-friendly identifier of an object on the target resource. In your handler, you can provide this identifier as the id attribute; if omitted, it will be populated automatically with the same value as the resource uid.

In addition to uid and id, which are required and will respectively populate “_id” and “__NAME__” fields in the search operation result, the handler method SHOULD also return all the other attributes defined in the object class schema. Any attributes that are not explicitly included in a handler call and any attributes that are not defined in the schema will be omitted from the response.

The last script example calls the handler method once and thus will always respond with a single resource data populated with the hardcoded values, regardless of any criteria included in the search operation request.

For example:

IDM admin UI browser console

(async function () {
    var data = await $.ajax('/openidm/system/groovy/users?_queryFilter=true');

    console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));

With the Example Schema > Flat Representation of Data example deployed on the connector server, and referenced in the connection configuration, the response will look like the following:

    "result": [
            "_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
            "__NAME__": "firstname.lastname",
            "primaryEmail": "",
            "displayName": "Firstname Lastname",
            "familyName": "Lastname",
            "givenName": "Firstname",
            "active": true
    "resultCount": 1,
    "pagedResultsCookie": null,
    "totalPagedResultsPolicy": "NONE",
    "totalPagedResults": -1,
    "remainingPagedResults": -1


  • The result of a search operation in response to a query request is a list of objects.

  • The uid and id attributes defined in the search script populate “_id” and “__NAME__” fields in the result.

  • The secondaryEmail attribute is omitted from the result, because it is marked with the NOT_RETURNED_BY_DEFAULT flag in the connector schema defined in the Example Schema Script, and the attribute was not explicitly requested.

  • The notInSchema attribute is omitted from the result, because it was not defined in the users object class in the example schema.

In the Platform admin UI, these result could appear in the following way:

To respond with multiple resources, you need to call the handler method for each resource to be included in the search operation result. The source data should be available for the search script as an iterable data type, such as java.util.ArrayList. Then, you can loop over the list and call the handler method for each object in the list.

For example, if your data comes in a JSON (file), you can parse it with Groovy and iterate over the result:


import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()

def json = new File('/var/lib/rcs/users.json')
def resources = json.exists() ? (jsonSlurper.parse(json)).Resources : []

resources.each { resource ->
    handler {
        id resource.userName
        attribute 'active', !!
        attribute 'displayName', resource.displayName
        attribute 'givenName', // 1
        attribute 'middleName',
        attribute 'familyName',
        attribute 'primaryEmail', (resource.emails.find { resource.primary })?.value // 2
        attribute 'secondaryEmail', (resource.emails.find { !resource.primary })?.value
  1. Individual value from the user’s name object can be used to populate a field.
  2. Array methods can be used to obtain an individual object from a list.

The example data here is a SCIM Query Resources response from the /Users endpoint, in which case a list of users is saved under the “Resources” key.

Now, the result of the search operation will be populated dynamically from the provided data.

For example:

    "result": [
            "_id": "2819c223-7f76-453a-919d-413861904646",
            "__NAME__": "bjensen",
            "displayName": "Ms. Barbara J Jensen III",
            "primaryEmail": "",
            "middleName": "Jane",
            "active": false,
            "givenName": "Barbara",
            "familyName": "Jensen"
        [ . . . ]
    "resultCount": 19,
    "pagedResultsCookie": null,
    "totalPagedResultsPolicy": "NONE",
    "totalPagedResults": -1,
    "remainingPagedResults": -1

Each object class that you expect to be searchable will need to be handled within your search script. Different object classes can be associated with different data sources, have different attributes, or otherwise require different processing. This means, you will likely need to organize your code so that the result set for each object class is treated uniquely, using conditional logic. You can determine which object class data has been requested from the search operation by inspecting the objectClass binding and base your conditional logic on its content.

If a search operation request is not supported in your script—for example, if an object class is defined in the connector schema, but is not handled in the script—the request should result in UnsupportedOperationException with an informative message.

For the reasons discussed in the Debugging Scripts > Try and Catch chapter, you should also handle any errors in your search script and respond with custom error messages.

For example:


import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

try {
    def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()

    switch (objectClass.objectClassValue) {
        case 'users':
            def json = new File('/var/lib/rcs/users.json')
            def resources = json.exists() ? (jsonSlurper.parse(json)).Resources : []

            resources.each { resource ->
                handler {
                    id resource.userName
                    attribute 'active', !!
                    attribute 'displayName', resource.displayName
                    attribute 'givenName',
                    attribute 'middleName',
                    attribute 'familyName',
                    attribute 'primaryEmail', (resource.emails.find { resource.primary })?.value
                    attribute 'secondaryEmail', (resource.emails.find { !resource.primary })?.value

        case 'groups':
            def json = new File('/var/lib/rcs/groups.json')
            def resources = json.exists() ? (jsonSlurper.parse(json)).Resources : []

            resources.each { resource ->
                handler {
                    attribute 'displayName', resource.displayName
                    attribute 'members', resource.members
                    attribute 'schemas', resource.schemas

            throw new UnsupportedOperationException( + ' operation of type ' + objectClass.getObjectClassValue() + ' is not supported.')
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
     * Preserve and re-throw the custom exception on unrecognized object class.

    throw e
} catch (e) {
    log.error 'EXCEPTION: ' + e.message

    throw new UnsupportedOperationException('Error occurred during ' + operation + ' operation')

As demonstrated in the example code, an object class can be identified by its type found with the objectClass.getObjectClassValue() method.

In addition, ObjectClass class has some predefined types and corresponding constants that you could use in your code.

For example:

[ . . . ]

switch (objectClass.getObjectClassValue()) {
    case ObjectClass.ACCOUNT_NAME:

[ . . . ]
[ . . . ]

switch (objectClass) {
    case ObjectClass.ACCOUNT:

[ . . . ]

Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Search Script > Filtering Results

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When invoking a search operation via IDM’s APIs, you MUST provide search criteria using one of the following:

  • Resource ID
  • Query Definition

Search arguments, such as a resource ID or an attribute value, will be used to populate the filter binding, from which you will be able to extract the search parameters. For example, you can use use the query binding, which is a closure you can call to obtain a map of the search parameters.

Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Search Script > Filtering Results > Read by Resource ID

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For a single specific resource, you can specify its ID as a URL path argument:

For example:

IDM admin UI Browser Console

(async function () {
    var data = await $.ajax('/openidm/system/groovy/users/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx');

    console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));

A response from a successful read request made via IDM’s APIs will be a single object JSON populated with data from the first resource handled by your search script.

For example:

    "_id": "2819c223-7f76-453a-919d-413861904646",
    "__NAME__": "bjensen",
    "displayName": "Ms. Barbara J Jensen III",
    "primaryEmail": "",
    "middleName": "Jane",
    "active": false,
    "givenName": "Barbara",
    "familyName": "Jensen"

In order for it to match the specified ID, your script needs to implement filtering logic.

  • Using the query binding.

    The query binding is a closure which returns a map of search parameters from the filter binding. In a search script, the passed in ID condition will appear as an entry in the map returned by the query closure.

    For example:


    println query()
    [ . . . ]

    RCS logs

    [not:false, operation:EQUALS, left:__UID__, right:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx]

    The __UID__ parameter is a part of convention that includes a number of ICF special attributes that begin and end with the double underscore. ICF’s __UID__ name references a resource unique identifier.

    In the Query Definition chapter, it will be explained in details how the map returned by a query() call can be used for filtering data in response to either a read or a query request.

  • Using the filter binding.

    You can use the FrameworkUtil.getUidIfGetOperation(Filter filter) method to extract the passed in ID and apply it in the following way:


    import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
    import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.FrameworkUtil
    def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
    [ . . . ]
                def json = new File('/var/lib/rcs/users.json')
                def resources = json.exists() ? (jsonSlurper.parse(json)).Resources : []
                def uuid = FrameworkUtil.getUidIfGetOperation(filter)
                if (uuid) {
                    // GET the matching resource.
                    def resource = resources.find {
               == uuid.uidValue
                    if (resource) {
                        handler {
                            id resource.userName
                            attribute 'active', !!
                            attribute 'displayName', resource.displayName
                            attribute 'givenName',
                            attribute 'middleName',
                            attribute 'familyName',
                            attribute 'primaryEmail', (resource.emails.find { it.primary })?.value
                            attribute 'secondaryEmail', (resource.emails.find { !it.primary })?.value
    [ . . . ]

    Requesting a non-existing ID will result in no handler call; hence, the response will contain a “Not Found” error:

        "code": 404,
        "reason": "Not Found",
        "message": "Object xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx not found on system/groovy/users"

    Requesting an existing ID will result in a handler call, and the response from IDM’s APIs will be a single object JSON with the matching value in the “_id” field.

    For example:

    IDM admin UI Browser Console

    (async function () {
        var data = await $.ajax('/openidm/system/groovy/users/2819c223-7f76-453a-919d-413861904646');
        console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
        "_id": "2819c223-7f76-453a-919d-413861904646",
        "__NAME__": "bjensen",
        "displayName": "Ms. Barbara J Jensen III",
        "primaryEmail": "",
        "middleName": "Jane",
        "active": false,
        "givenName": "Barbara",
        "familyName": "Jensen"
Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Search Script > Filtering Results > Query Definition

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To request a list of resources from a search operation, you can include a _queryFilter argument populated with a query definition. In your search script, the query definition can be evaluated as true to include a resource or as false to exclude it from the search result.

In a query request sent via IDM’s REST, a query definition becomes a part of the URL query:


In an IDM script, the query definition will be included in the openidm.query(resourceName, params, fields) params:

openidm.query('system/<connection-name>/<object-class>', {
    _queryFilter: '<query-definition>'

The query definition will be used to set values of the filter and query bindings in your search script.

In the simplest scenario, with _queryFilter=true (or _queryFilter: 'true'), both the filter object and the value returned by the query closure are null. This indicates (to the script) that all resources for the requested object class should satisfy the search criteria, and no filtering should be applied.

With _queryFilter=false (or _queryFilter: 'false'), the search script would not run at all, and an empty result set would be included in the response from IDM’s APIs.

To build a functional query definition, you need to follow conventions described in Define and call data queries and CREST
Query docs.

Both documents describe generic IDM search operations; not everything described there can be used within RCS search scripts.

For example, you might come across references to _queryExpression argument, which might behave similarly to queryFilter on RCS, but _queryExpression is not officially supported in RCS context.

Correctly built and accepted by IDM’s APIs query definition will be used to populate the filter and the query bindings with the passed in search criteria:

  • Methods of a filter object can be used to produce different representations of the search parameters, such as an SQL string or a map, by accepting custom implementations of FilterVisitor.

    The scripted example of MySQL connector, which could be found in Samples provided with IDM or in the General Access Connectors repository, demonstrates how filter criteria can be converted into an SQL statement.

  • The query binding is a Closure, which returns a map of search parameters from the filter object.

    The map returned by a query() call has predictable structure and can be used for generating conditional logic for filtering the result of a search operation.

    This makes calling the query closure an easy and the preferred way of extracting the search parameters if you don’t have a specific FilterVisitor for your source of data.

    For example:

    Query definition

    ?_queryFilter=(primaryEmail pr) and active eq true


    println query().inspect()

    RCS logs

    [rcs] ['operation':'AND', 'left':['operation':'PRESENT', 'not':false, 'left':'primaryEmail'], 'right':['not':false, 'operation':'EQUALS', 'left':'active', 'right':'true']]

Currently, the following expressions and operators are accepted in a query definition:

Operation Expression Example of _queryFilter query()
presence (of property) <pointer> pr givenName pr [‘operation’:‘PRESENT’, ‘not’:false, ‘left’:‘givenName’]
contains <pointer> co <value> givenName co “bar” [‘not’:false, ‘operation’:‘CONTAINS’, ‘left’:‘givenName’, ‘right’:‘bar’]
equal to <pointer> eq <value> givenName eq “Barbara” [‘not’:false, ‘operation’:‘EQUALS’, ‘left’:‘givenName’, ‘right’:‘Barbara’]
greater than <pointer> gt <value> givenName gt “Barbara” [‘not’:false, ‘operation’:‘GREATERTHAN’, ‘left’:‘givenName’, ‘right’:‘Barbara’]
greater than or equal to <pointer> ge <value> givenName ge “Barbara” [‘not’:false, ‘operation’:‘GREATERTHANOREQUAL’, ‘left’:‘givenName’, ‘right’:‘Barbara’]
less than <pointer> lt <value> givenName lt “B” [‘not’:false, ‘operation’:‘LESSTHAN’, ‘left’:‘givenName’, ‘right’:‘B’]
less than or equal to <pointer> le <value> givenName le “Barbara” [‘not’:false, ‘operation’:‘LESSTHANOREQUAL’, ‘left’:‘givenName’, ‘right’:‘Barbara’]
starts with <pointer> sw <value> givenName sw “Bar” [‘not’:false, ‘operation’:‘STARTSWITH’, ‘left’:‘givenName’, ‘right’:‘Bar’]
ends with <pointer> ew <value> givenName ew “ara” [‘not’:false, ‘operation’:‘ENDSWITH’, ‘left’:‘givenName’, ‘right’:‘ara’]
AND <expression> and <expression> givenName eq “Barbara” and familyName eq “Jensen” [‘operation’:‘AND’, ‘left’:[‘not’:false, ‘operation’:‘EQUALS’, ‘left’:‘givenName’, ‘right’:‘Barbara’], ‘right’:[‘not’:false, ‘operation’:‘EQUALS’, ‘left’:‘familyName’, ‘right’:‘Jensen’]]
OR <expression> or <expression> givenName eq “Barbara” or familyName eq “Jensen” [‘operation’:‘OR’, ‘left’:[‘not’:false, ‘operation’:‘EQUALS’, ‘left’:‘givenName’, ‘right’:‘Barbara’], ‘right’:[‘not’:false, ‘operation’:‘EQUALS’, ‘left’:‘familyName’, ‘right’:‘Jensen’]]
NOT !(<expression>) !(givenName eq “Barbara”) [‘not’:true, ‘operation’:‘EQUALS’, ‘left’:‘givenName’, ‘right’:‘Barbara’]
Literal true|false true null

Each query expression represents a single operation. Individual query expressions can be used in an AND/OR clause and grouped with parenthesis.

In a complex query definition, the left and right parts of an operation may consist of nested maps, where each map introduces a single condition.

For example:

?_queryFilter=(givenName eq "Barbara" or givenName eq "Jane") and familyName eq "Jensen"

The result of a query() call with extra whitespace for readability:


You can use this standard representation of the search parameters to dynamically generate conditional logic for filtering the result, which is demonstrated in the Example Search Script > Flat Representation of Data chapter.

Your query definition will be validated before the search script is executed and independently for each expression. If validation fails, you might receive the following errors:

  • Except when checked for presence, unrecognized pointers (that is, attribute references unaccounted in the connector schema) will result in an error, even if you checked for presence first in your query definition.

    For example:

    ?_queryFilter=firstName pr and firstName eq "Barbara"

    {"code":400,"reason":"Bad Request","message":"Attribute firstName does not exist as part of ObjectClass: users"}
  • If you try to use an unrecognized expression or an unsupported operator, you will receive a 4xx error.

    For example:

    {"code":400,"reason":"Bad Request","message":"ExtendedMatchFilter is not supported"}
    {"code":404,"reason":"Not Found","message":"ContainsAllValuesFilter transformation is not supported"}
    {"code":404,"reason":"Not Found","message":"Complex filter not supported"}
  • If you use unrecognized arguments starting with an underscore, you will receive a 400 error.

    For example:

    {"code":400,"reason":"Bad Request","message":"Unrecognized request parameter '_query'"}

    Any additional arguments in the URL query that do not start with an underscore will be ignored and not present in the search script context.

Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Search Script > Paging and Sorting

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The Define and call data queries document describes how your search script SHOULD react to additional sorting and paging arguments provided in the request. You can only use paging arguments along with a query; they will not be accepted (nor needed) when processing a read request.

To implement reliable paging, you need to make sure no valid resources are skipped as you iterate through the pages. One common way to achieve that is to sort the result on a stable attribute, and to use a value-based paging strategy that refers to the last value for the given page from that attribute in order to establish a consistent reference for the next page.

To request paging, you need to specify page size.

  • Page Size

    Back to Contents

    The _pageSize argument specifies the number of resources each page (that is, a single result of a search operation) should be limited to:

    In a search script context, this parameter becomes available as the options.pageSize binding. Presence of a positive value in the options.pageSize parameter indicates that paging is requested.

  • Sorting

    Back to Contents

    You might be able to rely on the order your resources are received from the target backend, but sorting your resources explicitly in the script will ensure consistent results.

    A request for a search operation may contain sorting criteria in a _sortKeys argument:

    By default, the order in which each sort key is to be applied is ascending. You can change it by prefixing a pointer with a - (minus) sign in your request.

    For example:


    In the search script context, the sorting criteria becomes available as the options.sortKeys binding, which is an array of the SortKey class instances.

    The sorting information might not be provided in a request, or it could reference non-unique identifiers making sorting by them inconsistent and unreliable. Therefore, if paging is requested, you should always do the last sorting by the object class unique identifier, its _id property; and accordingly, add the corresponding SortKey to the array.

    For example:


    [ . . . ]
    def sortKeys = options.sortKeys
    if (!sortKeys || sortKeys?.last().field != '_UID_') {
        sortKeys += new SortKey('__UID__', true)
    [ . . . ]

    If an _id argument were included in a request, it would be translated into an ICF-named __UID__ parameter in the search script context. Hence, to treat all attribute references consistently, the __UID__ name is used as the SortKey field in this last example.

    The options.sortKeys binding is not present on read requests.

    You can use accessors of the SortKey class to retrieve the attribute name and the direction by which you need to sort your result.

    For example:


     * Apply sort keys in reverse order, so that sorting by multiple keys is possible.
    sortKeys.reverse().each { sortKey ->
        resources = resources.sort { a, b ->
            def valueA = a[sortKey.field].toString()
            def valueB = b[sortKey.field].toString()
            if (sortKey.isAscendingOrder) {
            } else {
  • Tracking Position in Paged Results

    Back to Contents

    If the client has already received some paged result, it will need to indicate where to start next page in its requests for a paged search operation.

    Either _pagedResultsCookie or _pagedResultsOffset argument can be used for this purpose.

    Currently, both arguments can be provided simultaneously in IDM scripts; hence, you script should make application of these parameters mutually exclusive.

    Note that for reconciliation IDM only uses _pagedResultsCookie; so, if you are building a connector specifically to work with reconciliation, that option should be the focus of the implementation.

    • _pagedResultsCookie

      If paging is requested, and your script is not responding with the last page, you should inform the client about the last handled resource. This is done by including the last resource unique identifier as the value of pagedResultsCookie property in an instance of the SearchResult class, and returning the instance from the script.

      Having received the reference to the last resource from a search operation, the client can include it in its next request—to indicate where the next page needs to start. In order to avoid any translation errors in this exchange, the value of the unique identifier should be base-64 and URL-encoded.

      For example, where remainingPagedResults is a calculated value based on tracking the last handled resource:


      import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.SearchResult
      def pagedResultsCookie
      [ . . . ]
      if (remainingPagedResults > 0) {
          pagedResultsCookie = resources?.last().uid.bytes.encodeBase64Url().toString()
      [ . . . ]
      new SearchResult(

      IDM does not support SearchResult.CountPolicy for /system endpoints; hence, you cannot leverage the SearchResult(java.lang.String pagedResultsCookie, SearchResult.CountPolicy totalPagedResultsPolicy, int totalPagedResults, int remainingPagedResults) constructor. In effect, you can only respond with pagedResultsCookie from your scripted connector.

      The client will receive this information as a part of the response from the search operation request.

      For example:

          "result": [
              [ . . . ]
          "resultCount": 8,
          "pagedResultsCookie": "MjgxOWMyMjMtN2Y3Ni00NTNhLTkxOWQtNDEzODYxOTA0NjQ2",
          "totalPagedResultsPolicy": "NONE",
          "totalPagedResults": -1,
          "remainingPagedResults": -1

      If the client wants to proceed with the next page, it can include this last resource reference in its next request as a _pagedResultsCookie argument:

      The search script will receive this value in the options.pagedResultsCookie parameter, and will need to decode it to determine the last ID position in the source data to start the next page from.

      For example:


      [ . . . ]
      lastHandledIndex = resources.findIndexOf { resource ->
          resource.uid == new String(options.pagedResultsCookie.decodeBase64Url())
      [ . . . ]

      When the last page is returned, pagedResultsCookie in the SearchResult instance returned from the script should not be assigned any value, making the “pagedResultsCookie” field in the search operation response populated with null, which will conclude the paging cycle.

    • _pagedResultsOffset

      When a positive _pagedResultsOffset value is received, the search script is to discard the number of resources indicated by the argument value from the beginning of the search operation result.

      For example:


      [ . . . ]
      if (options.pagedResultsOffset) {
          resources = resources.drop options.pagedResultsOffset
      [ . . . ]

      In this case, pagedResultsCookie still needs to be sent back to the client to make it aware of incomplete paged result and of the position where the last page ended; thus, making it an option for the client to start paging from this position using the _pagedResultsCookie argument.

The Example Search Script chapter demonstrates applying sorting and paging parameters in a Groovy connector. In the example scripts, look for the code and comments associated with options.pageSize, options.sortKeys, options.pagedResultsCookie, and options.pagedResultsOffset to see the implementation details.

Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Search Script > Attributes to Get

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By default, all handled attributes that are defined in the connector schema will be included in the result of a search operation, except the ones that are marked with the NOT_RETURNED_BY_DEFAULT flag. In a request for search operation, either read or query, you can specify what attributes should be included in the response by providing a comma-separated list of attribute names in a _fields argument:

Attributes not matching the populated _fields value will be automatically excluded from the search operation response with one exception: a response from IDM’s REST will always include the _id attribute.

For example:


    "result": [
            "_id": "2819c223-7f76-453a-919d-413861904646",
            "__NAME__": "bjensen"
        [ . . . ]
    "resultCount": 19,
    "pagedResultsCookie": null,
    "totalPagedResultsPolicy": "NONE",
    "totalPagedResults": -1,
    "remainingPagedResults": -1

To reference all attributes that are included in a response by default, you can use a * (asterisk) wildcard.

Then, the _fields argument can be used for including attributes marked with the NOT_RETURNED_BY_DEFAULT flag.

For example:


    "result": [
            "_id": "2819c223-7f76-453a-919d-413861904646",
            "__NAME__": "bjensen",
            "displayName": "Ms. Barbara J Jensen III",
            "primaryEmail": "",
            "middleName": "Jane",
            "active": false,
            "givenName": "Barbara",
            "familyName": "Jensen",
            "secondaryEmail": ""
        [ . . . ]
    "resultCount": 19,
    "pagedResultsCookie": null,
    "totalPagedResultsPolicy": "NONE",
    "totalPagedResults": -1,
    "remainingPagedResults": -1

In the search script context, the list of requested attributes will be available as the options.attributesToGet parameter, which is an array of Strings.

For example:



println options.attributesToGet

[ . . . ]

RCS logs


If you have an expensive attribute to process, you might want to consult this list and only process the fields that have been requested.

If the _fields argument is not included in the request or is empty, all attributes that are included by default will be present in the array.

For example:


RCS logs

['displayName', 'givenName', 'familyName', 'active', 'middleName', '__NAME__', 'primaryEmail']

Currently, setting the “enableAttributesToGetSearchResultsHandler” key to false in a scripted Groovy connector configuration does not change the described in this chapter default behavior driven by the _fields argument.

    "connectorRef": {
        "connectorHostRef": "rcs",
        "bundleVersion": "",
        "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy-connector",
        "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy.ScriptedConnector"
    "resultsHandlerConfig": {
        "enableAttributesToGetSearchResultsHandler": true,
        [ . . . ]
    [ . . . ]
Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Search Script > Example Search Script

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Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Search Script > Example Search Script > Flat Representation of Data

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The example below demonstrates how some of the conventions described in Define and call data queries and
ForgeRock Common REST > Query docs can be translated into a script.

The example script handles requests for two object classes outlined in the Example Schema Script > Flat Representation of Data chapter.

In order to apply search criteria dynamically and universally, the following considerations have been addressed in the example script:

  • Different query definitions will need to be handled in the same script.

    If you don’t have a FilterVisitor for your source of data, you will need to build a condition generator, which will consume the dynamic input returned by a query() call and use it to produce filtering logic that can be applied to your data source.

  • A connector may handle requests for multiple object classes.

    The ICF framework conventionally uses __UID__ and __NAME__ as a resource unique identifier and its user-friendly identifier in the search parameters delivered to a search script. In the closure passed into the handler method, the respective attributes are represented as uid and id fields.

    In a remote system the corresponding identifiers could be found under different properties for different object classes. Thus, it might be beneficial to transform all sources’ data to match ICF conventions, map the ICF names received in the request to the fields existing the converted dataset, and use this map as a reference in your filtering and handling logic that can be shared between different object classes.

    For example:

     * Map ICF ID names (used in the filter) to ICF ID fields (used in handler).
    def queryFieldMap = [
        '__UID__': 'uid',
        '__NAME__': 'id'
    [ . . . ]
     * Get a resource data in the format matching the object class schema.
     * @param resource  org.apache.groovy.json.internal.LazyMap
     *                  Represents a resource object.
     * @return          java.util.LinkedHashMap
     *                  Represents a resource.
    def getResourceData = { resource ->
            id: resource.userName,
            [ . . . ]

    The unique identifier is returned as the “_id” key in a search operation result. Whether you use its value in the path of a read request or as an _id argument in a query request, in the map returned by a query() call the argument will be converted into ICF’s __UID__ parameter.

    For example:


    RCS logs

     ['not':false, 'operation':'EQUALS', 'left':'__UID__', 'right':'2819c223-7f76-453a-919d-413861904646']
  • In order for search arguments to be accepted by the APIs, the corresponding attribute needs to be defined as a primitive type in the connector’s schema.

    If you attempt to search against an Object attribute using a String value in a query definition, you may receive an error:

    {"code":400,"reason":"Bad Request","message":"java.lang.String to java.util.Map"}

    In the Example Schema > Flat Representation of Data script, properties of the complex attributes have been defined as individual attributes in the users object class. The search script has to accommodate this schema by obtaining corresponding individual properties from the users data.

    This also presents an opportunity to align the search operation result with any validation policies implemented in the target system.

Below find an example search script for a simple Groovy connector that gets data from a JSON file, but similarly could handle any other list of objects that can be converted into an array of maps. The script implements all the functionality that have been discussed in this chapter.

The example script serves illustration purposes; modify and optimize it for your use.


 * The sample code described herein is provided on an "as is" basis, without warranty of any kind,
 * to the fullest extent permitted by law. ForgeRock does not warrant or guarantee the individual success
 * developers may have in implementing the sample code on their development platforms or in production
 * configurations. ForgeRock does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the use, results
 * of use, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of any data or information relating to the sample code.
 * ForgeRock disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, and in particular, disclaims all warranties of
 * merchantability, and warranties related to the code, or any service or software related thereto.
 * ForgeRock shall not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential damages or costs of any type arising
 * out of any action taken by you or others related to the sample code.

 * @file Provide an example search script for use with Groovy Toolkit connectors.
 * @author
 * @version 0.1.0
 * Defined variables:
 * filter           org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.filter.Filter
 *                  The search parameters.
 * query            groovy.lang.Closure
 *                  Returns a map of search parameters from the filter object.
 * options          org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.OperationOptions
 *                  Additional search parameters.
 * objectClass      org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.ObjectClass
 *                  Represents the requested object class.
 *                  @see {@link}
 *                  @see {@link}
 * handler          groovy.lang.Closure
 *                  Adds a resource to the search operation result.
 * operation        org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy.OperationType
 *                  The SEARCH operation type.
 * configuration    org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy.ScriptedConfiguration
                    The connector configuration properties.
 *                  @see {@link}
 * log              org.identityconnectors.common.logging.Log
 *                  Logging facility.
 *                  @see {@link}
 * Returns          org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.SearchResult
 *                  @see {@link}

import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.SearchResult
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

try {
     * Identify the ICF operation in RCS logs.
     */ 'Script: ' + configuration.scriptRoots + '/' + configuration.searchScriptFileName + ' Operation: ' + operation

    def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()

     * Map ICF ID names (used in the filter) to ICF ID fields (used in handler),
     * for automated lookup.
    def queryFieldMap = [
        '__UID__': 'uid',
        '__NAME__': 'id'

     * Define defaults for paging.
    def pagedResultsCookie
    def remainingPagedResults
    def lastHandledIndex = -1
    def totalPagedResults

     * Parse the search criteria if it has been provided,
     * and generate a condition template to be evaluated against a resource.
     * @return  java.lang.String | null
    def getConditionTemplate = {
         * Create a condition template to dynamically evaluate against a resource data.
         * @param query             java.util.LinkedHashMap
         *                          Represents a query operation,
         *                          where left and right parts of the condition could be other query operation maps.
         * @param fieldMap          java.util.LinkedHashMap
         *                          Contains query parameters mapped to an object class-specific attributes.
         * @return                  java.lang.String
         *                          Contains the condition template.
        def conditionGenerator = { query, fieldMap=[:] ->
             * Parse each query operation individually
             * and combine them in AND/OR clause(s) if requested.
            if (query.operation == 'AND' || query.operation == 'OR') {
                def operation = '&&'
                if (query.operation == 'OR') {
                    operation = '||'
                return '(' + call(query.right, fieldMap) + ' ' + operation + ' ' + call(query.left, fieldMap) + ')'
            } else {
                def objectClassType = objectClass.objectClassValue
                def argumentValue = query.right
                def not = query.not ? '!' : ''
                def template

                def attributeName = query.left
                if (fieldMap[attributeName]) {
                    attributeName = fieldMap[attributeName]
                attributeName = 'resource.' + attributeName

                 * Ensure the resource attribute is evaluated to a string value
                 * for string comparisons with the search arguments.
                attributeTemplate = attributeName + '.toString()'

                switch (query.operation) {
                    case 'PRESENT':
                        template = "$not(${attributeName})"
                    case 'EQUALS':
                        template = "$attributeName && $not(${attributeTemplate}.equalsIgnoreCase('$argumentValue'))"
                         * For case-sensitive comparison, you can use the equals(Object object) method or the equality operator.
                         * @example
                         * template = "$attributeName && $not($attributeTemplate == '$argumentValue')"
                    case 'GREATERTHAN':
                        template = "$attributeName && $not(${attributeTemplate}.compareToIgnoreCase('$argumentValue') > 0)"
                    case 'GREATERTHANOREQUAL':
                        template = "$attributeName && $not(${attributeTemplate}.compareToIgnoreCase('$argumentValue') >= 0)"
                    case 'LESSTHAN':
                        template = "$attributeName && $not(${attributeTemplate}.compareToIgnoreCase('$argumentValue') < 0)"
                    case 'LESSTHANOREQUAL':
                        template = "$attributeName && $not(${attributeTemplate}.compareToIgnoreCase('$argumentValue') <= 0)"
                    case 'CONTAINS':
                        template = "$attributeName && $not(${attributeTemplate}.containsIgnoreCase('$argumentValue'))"
                    case 'ENDSWITH':
                        template = "$attributeName && $not(${attributeTemplate}.endsWithIgnoreCase('$argumentValue'))"
                         * Alternatively, you could use a regular expression.
                         * @example
                         * template = "$attributeName && $not(($attributeTemplate =~ /\\w*$argumentValue\$/).size())"
                    case 'STARTSWITH':
                        template = "$attributeName && $not(${attributeTemplate}.startsWithIgnoreCase('$argumentValue'))"

                return template

        if (query()) {
             * Parse the query data and get back a condition template
             * for evaluating against a resource in GroovyShell.
            conditionTemplate = conditionGenerator query(), queryFieldMap

     * Transform resources to match the object class schema,
     * and optionally filter resources based on the search parameters received in the request.
     * @param resources         java.util.ArrayList
     *                          A list of org.apache.groovy.json.internal.LazyMap instances,
     *                          each representing a resource object for an object class.
     * @param getResourceData   groovy.lang.Closure
     *                          Returns a single resource data in the format matching the object class schema.
     * @return                  java.util.ArrayList
     *                          Filtered list of org.apache.groovy.json.internal.LazyMap instances.
    def filterResources = { resources, getResourceData ->
        def conditionTemplate = getConditionTemplate()

        if (conditionTemplate) {
            resources = resources.collectMany { resource ->
                def resourceData = getResourceData(resource)

                 * Use Groovy shell for evaluating the condition template with a placeholder for dynamically supplied data.
                def groovyShellBinding = new Binding()
                def groovyShell = new GroovyShell(groovyShellBinding)

                 * Provide dynamic, resource-specific content for the conditional template.
                groovyShellBinding.setVariable 'resource', resourceData

                 * Exclude resources that do not meet search criteria from the search result.
                groovyShell.evaluate(conditionTemplate) ? [resourceData] : []
        } else {
            resources = resources.collect { resource ->
                getResourceData resource

     * (Re)define sort keys if sorting and/or paging are requested.
     * @return   java.util.ArrayList
     *           of org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.SortKey instances.
    def getSortKeys = {
        def sortKeys = options.sortKeys

         * Define default sorting by the unique identifier to ensure reliable paging.
         * @see {@link}
         * @see {@link}
        if (!sortKeys || sortKeys?.last().field != '_UID_') {
            sortKeys += new SortKey('__UID__', true)

         * Replace ICF names present in sort keys with ICF ID fields used in resource data.
        sortKeys.collect { sortKey ->
            def field = sortKey.field
            if (queryFieldMap[field]) {
                field = queryFieldMap[field]
            new SortKey(field, sortKey.isAscendingOrder)

     * Sort an object class data if sorting and/or paging are requested.
     * Apply the sort keys in reverse order to allow fo sorting by multiple keys.
     * @param resources         java.util.ArrayList
     *                          A list of org.apache.groovy.json.internal.LazyMap instances,
     *                          each representing a resource object.
     * @return                  java.util.ArrayList
     *                          Sorted list of the resources.
    def sortResources = { resources ->
        def sortKeys = getSortKeys()
        sortKeys.reverse().each { sortKey ->
            resources = resources.sort { a, b ->
                def valueA = a[sortKey.field].toString()
                def valueB = b[sortKey.field].toString()

                if (sortKey.isAscendingOrder) {
                } else {


     * Create a page for an object class data.
     * Set pagedResultsCookie.
     * @param resources         java.util.ArrayList
     *                          A list of org.apache.groovy.json.internal.LazyMap instances,
     *                          each representing a resource object.
     * @return                  java.util.ArrayList
     *                          Paged list of the resources.
    def pageResources = { resources ->
         * Skip resources that have been included in previous pages or explicitly excluded.
        if (options.pagedResultsCookie) {
             * Get position of the last handled resource in the sorted result.
            lastHandledIndex = resources.findIndexOf { resource ->
                resource.uid == new String(options.pagedResultsCookie.decodeBase64Url())

             * Discard already handled resources from the result.
            resources = resources.drop lastHandledIndex + 1
        } else if (options.pagedResultsOffset) {
             * Discard resources from the beginning of the result set according to the requested offset.
            resources = resources.drop options.pagedResultsOffset

         * Capture the number of remaining resources to be handled in subsequent paged results search requests.
        remainingPagedResults = resources.size() - options.pageSize

         * Get resources for the requested page size.
        resources = resources.subList 0, Math.min(options.pageSize, resources.size())

         * Set pagedResultsCookie if there are still resources remaining to be handled.
        if (remainingPagedResults > 0) {
            pagedResultsCookie = resources?.last().uid.bytes.encodeBase64Url().toString()


     * Process and handle resources.
     * @param resources         java.util.ArrayList
     *                          A list of org.apache.groovy.json.internal.LazyMap instances,
     *                          each representing a resource object for an object class.
     * @param getResourceData   groovy.lang.Closure
     *                          Returns a single resource data in the format matching the object class schema.
     * @return                  null
    def handleResources = { resources, getResourceData ->
         * Process resources to match the object class schema,
         * and apply search criteria included in the request.
        resources = filterResources resources, getResourceData

        def pagedResults = options.pageSize && options.pageSize > 0

         * Sort resources if sorting and/or paging are requested.
        if (options.sortKeys || pagedResults) {
            resources = sortResources resources

         * Page resources if paging is requested.
        if (pagedResults) {
            resources = pageResources resources

         * Add each retained resource to the result of search operation.
        resources.each { resource ->
            handler {
                uid resource.uid
                resource.each { entry ->
                    if (!['uid', 'id'].find { it == entry.key }) {
                        attribute entry.key, entry.value

     * Handle source data for each supported object class.
     * @see {@link}
    switch (objectClass.objectClassValue) {
        case 'users':
             * Use sample data in JSON format.
            def json = new File('/var/lib/rcs/users.json')
            def resources = json.exists() ? (jsonSlurper.parse(json)).Resources : []

             * Get a resource data in the format matching the object class schema.
             * @param resource  org.apache.groovy.json.internal.LazyMap
             *                  Represents a resource object.
             * @return          java.util.LinkedHashMap
             *                  A resource object in the format matching the object class schema.
            def getResourceData = { resource ->
                    id: resource.userName,
                    displayName: resource.displayName,
                    primaryEmail: (resource.emails.find { it.primary })?.value,
                    secondaryEmail: (resource.emails.find { !it.primary })?.value

            handleResources resources, getResourceData

        case 'groups':
            def json = new File('/var/lib/rcs/groups.json')
            def resources = json.exists() ? (jsonSlurper.parse(json)).Resources : []

             * Get a resource data in the format matching the object class schema.
             * @param resource  org.apache.groovy.json.internal.LazyMap
             *                  Represents a resource object.
             * @return          java.util.LinkedHashMap
             *                  A resource object in the format matching the object class schema.
            def getResourceData = { resource ->
                    displayName: resource.displayName,
                    members: resource.members,
                    schemas: resource.schemas

            handleResources resources, getResourceData

            throw new UnsupportedOperationException( + ' operation of type: ' + objectClass.getObjectClassValue() + ' is not supported.')

     * Return the last handled resource reference of the current search operation.
     * Only pagedResultsCookie is currently supported for a Groovy Toolkit connector;
     * hence, the required remainingPagedResults argument is populated with -1.
     * @see {@link}
    new SearchResult(
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
    log.error e.message

     * Preserve and re-throw the custom exception on unrecognized object class.
    throw e
} catch (e) {
    log.error e.message

    throw new UnsupportedOperationException('Error occurred during ' + operation + ' operation')

Scripted Groovy Connector (Toolkit) > Test Script

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A test script implements the test operation. In scripted Groovy connectors, the test operation always validates the connector configuration first; if a test script reference has been found in the configuration, the script is executed as well.

The test operation is called by IDM at the time a connection is registered, and an admin UI can call it at different times in the connection life cycle. As described in the External system status doc, you can also initiate the test operation via IDM’s APIs.

This means that you have an option to use a test script for any connection validation that your particular use case requires. One common application is checking the data source availability.

To indicate a failure, the test script must throw an exception. If available, the exception should be a specific one, or you could throw a generic ConnectorException.

For example:


 * Defined variables:
 * operation        org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy.OperationType
 *                  The SEARCH operation type.
 * configuration    org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy.ScriptedConfiguration
                    The connector configuration properties.
 *                  @see {@link}
 * log              org.identityconnectors.common.logging.Log
 *                  Logging facility.
 *                  @see {@link}

def usersJsonFile = new File('/var/lib/rcs/users.json')

if (!usersJsonFile.exists()) {
    throw new MissingResourceException('Resources not found.',, 'users.json')

If no exception is thrown, the response JSON will contain an “ok” key populated with true.

If there is an exception, the “ok” key will be populated with false and accompanied with an error message that you specified in the exception.

For example:

IDM Admin Browser Console

(async function () {
    var data = await $.ajax('/openidm/system/groovyCore?_action=test', {
        method: 'POST'

    console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
    "name": "groovy",
    "enabled": true,
    "config": "config/provisioner.openicf/groovy",
    "connectorRef": {
        "connectorHostRef": "rcs",
        "bundleVersion": "",
        "bundleName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy-connector",
        "connectorName": "org.forgerock.openicf.connectors.groovy.ScriptedConnector"
    "displayName": "Scripted Groovy Connector",
    "objectTypes": [
    "error": "Resources not found.",
    "ok": false

If supported, the error will also be displayed in the UI.

Note that a test script will have access to the connector’s configuration. A test script for Scripted SQL connector will also have a connection binding representing the JDBC data source. A test script for Scripted REST will have connection and customizedConnection bindings representing the HTTP client and its decorated version injected into the scripts for connecting to the REST interface.


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This writing have covered some basics of developing a Groovy Toolkit-based connector for a Java Remote Connector Server, which can help use cases when an existing connector solution cannot be easily adjusted to meet particular requirements.

Commonly Used References

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