Zendesk and ForgeRock Identity Cloud SAML based SSO in 5 minutes

By Patryk Krolikowski
Originally posted on https://medium.com/@scureq

If you need to integrate Zendesk with ForgeRock Identity Cloud acting as an Identity Provider using SAML then this story is for you. If not, you can still read it ;). This post is a joint effort of
Andre Posner and myself.

ForgeRock Identity Cloud configuration

First let’s visit the Platform UI of our Identity Cloud instance. Then go to Access Management Native console:

Forgerock Identity Cloud Platform console — going to Access Management native console

The next steps are configuring SAML2 Federation.

SAML2 Federation setup

Create a Circle of Trust

  • From “Applications”->”Federation”->”Circles of Trust” click Add Circle of Trust. You can name it however you want eg. “CoT”.

Create a Circle of Trust

Create a hosted IDP

  • From “Applications”->”Federation”->”Entity Providers” click create a Hosted Provider:

Create a Hosted IDP

  • Fill “Entity ID” — just copy Entity Provider Base URL and use it as Entity ID value. Then set Identity Provider Meta Alias to eg. “idp”.
  • From “Circles of Trust” dropdown select your Circle of Trust eg. “CoT”.
  • Click “Create”.

Create a Hosted IDP

Create a remote SP

Creating remote SP requires a bit of preps. You need to construct your SAML2 metadata file. It should look like this — replace [your_instance_name] with your Zendesk instance name:

Zendesk SAML2 Metadata

  • Save metadata.
  • From “Applications”->”Federation”->”Entity Providers” click create a Remote Provider:

Create a Remote SP

  • Upload your metadata file:

Create a Remote SP

  • As before remember to select a Circle of Trust.

As a result the list of Entity Providers should look like that:

Providers list

Now it is time to add just a tiny bit of config to our IDP.

  • Select your hosted IDP and go to the “Assertion Processing” tab:

Assertion configuration

Fill the attribute map as above. To make it easier you can copy&paste SAML attributes values:



For Local Attribute use givenNameand snrespectively. This will allow IdP to return first name and last name in the SAML2 Attribute Statement.

Create a user in ForgeRock Identity Platform

Last thing is creating a user in ForgeRock Identity Platform. We are not discussing data synchronization between Identity Cloud and Zendesk (that could be a topic for another post), so the assumption is that there should a corresponding user in Zendesk already — with a matching email address. This is because Zendesk uses “urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress” as SAML2 NameID to match users.

You can create users from Identity Cloud Platform UI — “Identities”->”Manage”->”Alpha Realm — Users” → “Add Alpha realm — user” eg.:

Sample User

The last thing is getting our IdP’s metadata. We only need three things here:

  • X.509 signing certificate
  • Single Sign On URL
  • Single Log Out URL

We can get all of these by going to the Identity Cloud exportmetadata endpoint:


Let’s take the all the information:

  • Signing Certificate:

X.509 from metadata

  • Single Sign On URL:

Zendesk requires HTTP-POST so make sure you take the value from the right binding.

  • Single Logout URL:

That’s it. The rest is Zendesk configuration.

Zendesk configuration

SAML Configuration

You can configure SSO options at: https://[your_instance_name].zendesk.com/admin/account/security/sso

You need to be logged in as an admin. We also assume at this point that an enduser is already created. If not create one — remember email address must be matching the one we had configured in ForgeRock Identity Cloud.

Edit configuration for SAML:

Zendesk SSO setup page

Fill SAML SSO URL and Remote Logout URL with corresponding values captured from Identity Cloud IDP metadata.

Last thing that we need to provide is a Certificate Fingerprint. In order to get it we need to take our X.509 cert from IDP’s metadata and make a formatted hash of it.

You can use a tool like X.509 Certificate Format Online Tool | SAMLTool.com to format the certificate — take “X.509 cert with header”. Then SAML X.509 Certificate Fingerprint - Online SHA1 Decoder | SAMLTool.com to get a “Formatted Fingerprint” — remember to select sha256 as a hashing algorithm.

Tehn hit Save.

Now there are two things left:

  • Enable SAML SSO for either enduser or staff (or both). Let just enable SSO for end users.

You can do it here [https://[your_instance_name].zendesk.com/admin/account/security/end_users]:

Enable SSO for Endusers

  • If that is a fresh instance of Zendesk you need to Enable Help Center for End users here: [https://[you_instance_name].zendesk.com/hc/admin/general_settings]

Now visit your Zendesk instance: https://[you_instance_name].zendesk.com/access

If all goes well you should see something like that:

SSO Flow

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